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Farmers in suburban Beijing claim, A huge grey-yellow cloud cluster covers the entire horizon.

Farmers have used cancer-causing industrial dye Sudan Red to boost the value of their eggs and fed an asthma medication to pigs to produce leaner meat. 农民们为使鸭蛋卖个好价钱而使用可致癌的工业染料苏丹红,为提高猪的瘦肉率而给猪喂食平喘药。
Farmers in China have long used techniques such as fertilisation and irrigation to make their land produce more . 中国农民很长时间来就利用像施肥和灌溉这样的技术来使得土地生产更多的粮食。
Farmers in Rawalpindi District of Pakistan tractor cultivate or animal plough their fields on average 8 times from the beginning of the monsoon until wheat planting. 巴基斯坦拉瓦尔品第地区的农民从季风季节开始到种麦,平均用拖拉机或畜力犁耕翻8次土壤。
Farmers in plantain producing areas of Ecuador, Colombia and Venezuela are benefiting from this technology. 厄瓜多尔、哥伦比亚和委内瑞拉大蕉生产区的种植者正获益于这项新技术。
Farmers in sub-Saharan Africa now use only about 9kg of fertiliser per hectare on average, compared with 142kg in South-East Asia. 撒哈拉以南非洲的农民平均每公顷耕地仅用了9公斤化肥,而与此相比东南亚则高达142公斤。
Farmers in suburban Beijing claim, A huge grey-yellow cloud cluster covers the entire horizon. 在北京郊区的农夫宣称,“巨大的黄灰色云团,覆盖了整个天际。
Farmers in the United States are raising production of maize, now a lucrative material for biofuel production. 美国农民提高了玉米产量,因为它现在是赚大钱的产生质能源原料。
Farmers in these small villages often pay their bills in kind. 这些村子里的农民常常以实物偿付帐单。
Farmers keep sheep for their wool . 32农民养羊取毛。
Farmers often burn the stubble after they have cut the corn. 农民们在收割完庄稼后常烧茬子。
Farmers often burn the stubble after they've cut the corn. 农夫常烧残梗在收割谷物之后。

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