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Its initial public offering of 7.5 million American depositary shares was priced at $15 each, topping the expected pricing range of $11 to $13.

Its imposing structures and its characteristic overall layout are remarkably well preserved and give a vivid picture of life in an ancient Maya capital. 雄伟的建筑及其独特的整体布局保存得非常完好,给世人展现了一幅生动的古玛雅首都的生活画面。
Its independence Road formulations of these products and advanced production processes, so that traditional Chinese medicine theory and modern high-tech organic combination produced unique efficacy, and has attracted large numbers of consumers welcome the 这些产品以其独道的配方和先进的生产工艺,使传统中医理论与现代化高新技术有机结合,产生了独具特色的功效,倍受广大消费者欢迎,市场覆盖全国。
Its inflict moderate wounds eyestalk would then not be usable for the next 3 rounds. 接下来的3轮里它的造成中伤眼梗都暂时不能使用。
Its influence presently had its effect on them. 喝着酒,吃着菜,气氛顿时起了变化。
Its inhabitants pursued their rivalry with Florence right into the area of urban planning. 这里的居民为取得在这块土地上进行城市规划的权利,长期与佛罗伦萨竞争。
Its initial public offering of 7.5 million American depositary shares was priced at $15 each, topping the expected pricing range of $11 to $13. 新东方通过首次公开招股共发行750万股美国存托凭证,每股发行价为15美元,超过了此前预期的11至13美元。
Its insatiable appetite for fuel and other raw materials was one reason why high oil prices failed to depress the global economy last year, Mr Finger noted. 中国对燃料和其它原材料难以满足的需求,是高油价去年未能打击全球经济的一个重要原因。
Its instruments can be found throughout an automobile's power train and chassis, even measuring the weight of a passenger so that air bags inflate properly. 他们公司的产品遍布在汽车的动力传动系统以及底盘上,甚至可量测乘客的体重而让安全气囊能确实撑开。
Its interior, in particular the wooden ceiling and painted stucco-work, its famous bronze doors and the Bernward bronze column, are together with the treasures of St Mary's Cathedral of exceptional interest as examples of the Romanesque churches of the Ho 教堂的内部装潢设计也是神圣罗马帝国时期罗马式风格的极好体现,不管是教堂的木制天花板还是精心装潢的墙壁,不管是青铜门还是伯那德肖铜圆柱,以及圣玛丽大教堂的珍宝,这些很好地向世人展示着当时的建筑风貌。
Its interlocking teeth would spring open or jam. 拉链上互相啮合的齿能拉开也能合拢。
Its internal pressure matches that of the ocean around it, making survival possible. 其体内的压力和周围海水的压力相当,因此能存活无碍。

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