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Get trained in American Red Cross first aid before starting out. Contact your local American Red Cross chapter for a Community First Aid and Safety course.

Get to the point .Not just blah blah blah. 言归正传,不要只说这些没用的事情。
Get to work early or stay late once a week. You may be able to accomplish more when you vary your routine. 一周中有一天早点上班,晚点下班,通过这种方式来改变日常惯例,这样你可能会完成更多的工作。
Get to work on time. Employers value employees who come to work right on time. Give yourself an extra 15 minutes to make sure you arrive on time. 按时上班。雇主看重那些按时上班的雇员。你要额外腾出15分钟,保证能按时到。
Get to your feet, lift the child up and hold him in your arms, because I will make of him a great nation. 起来吧,去把孩子抑回怀中,我要使他以后也建成一个大国。
Get together with friends or relatives. 和亲戚朋友相聚在一起。
Get trained in American Red Cross first aid before starting out. Contact your local American Red Cross chapter for a Community First Aid and Safety course. 出发之前参加红十字会的急救训练.接触当地的红十字分会以便学习急救护理及安全的课程.
Get turned into counterfeit watches and genuine scars. 变成假名牌表和真正的伤疤。
Get up a half-hour earlier to gain some especially productive time. 早起半小时,获得特别高效的时间。
Get up and come to our house for a celebration. 来,到我家来一起庆祝吧。
Get up and help me, will you? Don't lounge away your time. 起来帮帮我忙好吗?别懒懒散散地混时间。
Get up early morning, duck some, in morning exercise of making, other back schoolbag go to school in the school in game, some, really happily! 清晨起来,鸭子们有的在游戏、有的在做早操,还有的背着书包上学校,真开心呢!

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