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Abstract:The polymorphism of angiotensinogen gene at position 174 was studied in 90 cases of essential hypertension patients and 109 controls by PCR,restriction enzyme analysis and electrophoresis methods.The results showed the distribution of genetypes i

Abstract:The contradiction between development and environment protection in suburban scenic areas is becoming acute, and simply for a one-sided emphasis on the protection or development can not be a satisfactory outcome. 摘要:城市近郊风景旅游区中,开发建设与生态环境保护之间的矛盾渐趋尖锐,单纯强调保护与片面进行开发都无法获得令人满意的结果。
Abstract:The current situation of landscape design is review in the spirit of the Decision of the State Council on Strengthening the Construction of Urban Greening, and most designs are bland and of mediocrity. 摘要:以《国务院关于加强城市绿化建设的通知》精神回顾当前园林设计现状,多数设计作品平庸乏味。
Abstract:The open space surrounding Li Lake blends the new elements with the old ones and re-puts the city into the nature. 摘要:蠡湖环湖开放空间系统融合新旧元素,将城市重新融入自然之中。
Abstract:The ornamental plants planning should exhibit seasonal scenery varied with climatic bands. 摘要:在进行植物规划时,应根据气候带的不同,表现四季景观。
Abstract:The paper points out four milestones for automation of fossil-fire power plant in ten years before and after 2000: Distributed control system ,Network, Digitalization and Information. 本文指出2000年前后十年火电厂自动化已经或将经历四个时代:分散控制系统时代、网络化时代、数字化时代和信息化时代。
Abstract:The polymorphism of angiotensinogen gene at position 174 was studied in 90 cases of essential hypertension patients and 109 controls by PCR,restriction enzyme analysis and electrophoresis methods.The results showed the distribution of genetypes i 摘要本文采用PCR、限制性酶切和电泳分型等方法,分别对90例原发性高血压患者和109例正常人血管紧张素原基因多态位点AGT174进行了检测,结果表明,高血压组中三种基因型的分布与对照组显著不同,提高该位点变异与原发性高血压的发生相关。
Abstract:The role of urban open spaces is irreplaceable in improving and ameliorating the physical, ecological, recreational and landscape environment. 摘要:城市开放空间在改善城市的物质、生态、游憩与景观环境等方面具有难以替代的作用。
Abstract:The study of implicit information is the hot spot in language researches , and the discussion on cultural implicit information only just starts now . :隐含研究是当今语言研究的热点,文化隐含问题的探讨才刚刚起步。
Abstract:There have been quite many academic theses on Zheng He, but there are relatively little reference to the Colicut State, and the Ma family in Colicut. 提要:关于郑和研究的文章很多,但对古里国,特别是“古里马氏”的研究还比较少。
Abstract:This article introduces the major contents and the implementary measures of two French laws of construction of commercial establishments. 摘要:简要介绍了法国两部规范商业设施建设的法律的主要内容和实施举措。
Abstract:This essay introduced a coal burning boiler replacement project for a nursing house in Beijing,using GD-series high temperature heat pump to gather heat from 15℃ underground water and output 70 ℃ high termperture water to heating system.This proj 摘要:介绍了北京某干休所燃煤锅炉改造项目,采用大温差高温水源热泵从15℃浅层地下水中提取热量,输出70℃高温热水进行供暖,从而达到“节能、环保”和节约运行费用的目的。

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