It also dramatically increases the number of brilliant minds we can have working together on the same problem – and that scales up the rate of innovation to a staggering degree.
它还汇聚了英才,为共同理想而一起奋斗——这就能促进革新,以惊人的速度发展。 |
It also eased the pressure on Mourinho, who had been criticised for his outspoken style before the Barcelona game and for his tactics in the Nou Camp.
同时也减轻了穆里尼奥的压力,主教练因其坦率直言的个性以及在诺坎普的战术饱受批判。 |
It also elaborates the educational characters of the moral education process from five relationships: (1) the relation between contributions and gains; (2) the relation between strict requirements and respect and care; (3) the relation between other contr
从五个关系阐述了道德教育过程的教育性:(1)奉献和索取关系;(2)严格要求与尊重爱护关系;(3)他律与自律关系;(4)内化与外化关系;(5)灌输与选择关系。 |
It also elects the President of the Republic of Albania, the Supreme Court, the Attorney-General and his deputies.
它制定国内外政策,选举议长和副议长,选举总统、高等法院院长和总检察长和副总检察长。 |
It also enjoys the reputation of Huangshan in Water、East Geneva、Uncarved Jade.
她又有“水中黄山”、“东方日内瓦”、“未经雕琢的翡翠”之美誉。 |
It also ensures that team members agree on what, exactly, they're building.
它也会确保工作组成员对所创建的内容达成一致的意见。 |
It also establishes long-term trade relationship with some large international trading company such as British Steel Ltd., Voest Alpine Intertrading Ltd., Samsung Co., Ltd., Posco Asia Co., Ltd., LG international(HK)Ltd., Mitsui&Co., Ltd., and so on.
公司先后与英国钢铁、奥地利奥钢联贸易公司、韩国三星公司、韩国浦项公司、韩国LG公司和日本三井公司等多家大型国际性贸易公司建立了长期贸易伙伴关系。 |
It also explains that the country's actions during World War II were motivated by self-preservationand a desire to liberate Asia from Western control.
在教科书中,它同时也将日本在第二次世界大战期间的行为解释成是为了“自我保卫”及拯救亚洲脱离西方控制的动机。 |
It also explains the phenomenal efforts to launch the first Soviet space dog and, then, the first Soviet cosmonauts to orbit the earth.
它也解释了发射第一条太空狗的不凡努力,并让第一批苏联太空人绕地球运行。 |
It also explains the surface finishing, such as gold plating, laminating and the surface protection methods of chemical process protection, electrophoresis lacquering, organic filming, etc.
详细叙述了铜牌、铜徽的光亮防护:鎏金、镀金、烤金、镀银、贴金、假贴金、泥金、化学工艺防护、电泳漆、有机膜等。 |
It also expounds the issue that P&I Insurance Contract has the nature of marine insurance contract.
最后论述了保赔保险合同同时还具有海上保险合同的性质。 |