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The gmstrftime() function formats a GMT/UTC time or date according to locale settings.

The glut of apples sent the prices down. 苹果大量上市,使价钱低了下来。
The glutathione (GSH) antioxidant system is foremost among the cellular protective mechanisms. 摘要:谷胱甘肽抗氧化系统是最重要的细胞保护性机制。
The glyph is a combination of the Greek epsilon, as a sign of the weight of European civilization; an E for Europe; and the parallel lines crossing through standing for the stability of the euro. 欧元符号是希腊语字母第五字厄普西隆、E和两条平行线的结合,分别象征欧洲文明、欧洲和欧元稳定。
The glyphs of the 20 days resonate with a particular animal or bird as well. 表示20天的象形文字与一些特别的动物或者鸟类产生共鸣。
The gmdate() function formats a GMT/UTC date/time. 函数的作用是:格式化一个GMT/UTC日期/时间。
The gmstrftime() function formats a GMT/UTC time or date according to locale settings. 函数的作用是:根据区域设置格式化GMT/UTC时间/日期。
The gnarled, bearded features of Homer are dear to me, for he, too, knew blindness. 我看到那荷马的长满胡须、节瘤众多的面部雕像感到无比亲切,因为他也是盲人。
The goal establishment of talent training, teacher training for practice teaching activities, improvement of infrastructure and basic conditions for practice teaching, and strengthening management of practice teaching are discussed. 文章从人才培养目标定位、实践教学师资队伍建设、实践教学基础条件建设、规范实践教学管理等方面展开论述,对一般高校加强实践教学环节建设具有借鉴意义。
The goal in soccer, hockey, and lacrosse. 球门足球、曲棍球和长曲棍球的球门
The goal is high, but it is not unattainable. 这目标很高,但并不高不可攀。
The goal is marked by vertical posts, a crossbar, and nets, as in soccer and hockey. 就像在足球和曲棍球中一样,水球的球门也由垂直标杆,一根横竿和球门网组成。

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