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Louis, found the generosity of a tipper may be limited by their bill.

Louis will be dethroned and returned to the wild on Saturday. 到12日晚节日结束时,路易也将卸任并重新返回大自然。
Louis will sleep till the cows come home on weekends unless there's a game between Real Madrid and Barcelona in the morning. 要不是早晨有皇马和巴萨的比赛,周末路易要睡到很晚很晚。
Louis' avocation as a ski i tructor gradually became his full-time employment. 滑雪教练一职已从路易斯的副业逐渐变成他的全职了。
Louis' avocation as a ski instructor gradually became his full-time employment. 滑雪教练一职已从路易斯的副业逐渐变成他的全职了。
Louis, USA (1904), had been used as Olympic sites. 直到伦敦奥运会才开始使用100米泳池。
Louis, found the generosity of a tipper may be limited by their bill. 范·巴伦随后比较了他们所得的小费,结果很清楚——模仿顾客对服务员有好处。
Louis, thanks to its popularity in the United States, then disa eared again in 1912 at Stockholm because Sweden's national law ba ed it. 但是拳击比赛又于1912的斯德哥尔摩奥运会上消失,因为瑞典的法律禁止这项运动。
Louis: Gee, what's keeping her so busy? 路易士:啊,她忙些什么?
Louis: No problem. Let me lift the hood and take a look. 路易:没问题。让我打开引擎盖检查一下。
Louisa have go abroad, but that's just by the way. 路易莎出国了,不过这只是顺便说说。
Louisa threw me a quick frightened glance. 路易莎急速惊恐地望了我一眼。

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