When you called,I was eating.
你打电话时,我正在吃饭。 |
When you came here, you entered the density of the planet and worked with the double helix, which is barely functioning, so you forgot many things.
当你们来这里时候,你们进入行星密度中而以双螺旋运转,螺旋仅仅是功能,所以你们忘记了许多东西。 |
When you can control actions, this aspect can be positive as it shows a penchant for eliminating, by force, the unacceptable and unnecessary in your life.
如果你可以控制行动,这相位可以是很积极的,因为它显示出了透过强力,消除你生活中无法接受及无必要事物的倾向。 |
When you can identify with your individuality and accept and respect it, peace of mind comes in.
当你能够认识到你的个性并接受它尊重它,思绪就会宁静下来。 |
When you can point to any such laws in reference to the beasts of the field, then I may consent to argue the manhood of the slave.
假如你们能指出有谁曾对田耕作的牛马也规定过这样的法律,那麽也许我会同意讨论奴隶是否有人性。 |
When you can understand and accept such natural order, your life will become better.
在你明白并接受了这个自然法则后,你的生命就会好过得多了。 |
When you can't duplicate their quick results, the end product is only your frustration and failure.
你如果按照他们的所谓快速成功方式去经营直销,您只会收获灰心和失败。 |
When you can't hold back you tears anymore stamd upside down .Then the tears won't go out now have you learned the trick by heart ??
当你眼泪忍不住眼泪要流出来的时候,如果能够倒立起来,这样原来要流出来的眼泪就流不出来了,你学会了吗?? |
When you can, start extending your roads to the next place you'll build a town, so the Settler can get there that much faster.
如果你可能,将路修通到下一个建立城市的地点,这样你的移民能够尽快到达那里并建立城市。 |
When you cast Aura of Displacement, Shadow Step to target foe. When you stop maintaining Aura of Displacement, you return to your original location.
当你使用此技能时,影子行至目标敌人.当你停止维持此技能时,则传送至起步点上. |
When you change your attitude,
改变你的态度, |