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A ceremonial journey made by a sovereign through his or her realm.

A century and a half after On the Origin of Species, biologists still debate the mechanisms and implications (though not the reality) of Darwinism, while much of the public still flounders in pre-Darwinian cluelessness. 在《物种起源》出版了一个半世纪后,生物学家还在争论达尔文主义的机制与含意(而不是实际内容),而大多数人也还在为前达尔文时期的漫无头绪而焦躁徬徨。
A century later, Venice's trading power had declined and her depiction of the Islamic world portrayed the “infidel” as a figure of fun or of fear, with countless carvings of Turks in chains adorning the prows of her ships. 一个世纪之后,威尼斯的贸易能力已经衰落,于是伊斯兰世界在她的刻画中就变成了可笑或可畏的异教徒形象,同时她的舰首装饰上了无数成串的土耳其雕刻品。
A century-old row over humanitarian symbols was resolved yesterday when the Red Cross movement voted overwhelmingly to adopt a new symbol of neutrality and to admit Israeli and Palestinian relief groups. 红十字会昨天投票以绝对优势采纳了一个象征中立的新标志,并接纳了以色列和巴勒斯坦的救援组织,从而解决了长达一个世纪的人道主义标志争端。
A cerebellopontin angle (CPA) metastatic tumor from colon cancer is extremely rare. 摘要结肠癌转移到小脑桥脑角相当罕见。
A ceremonial embrace, as of greeting or salutation. 见面礼节礼节性拥抱,如问候或敬礼
A ceremonial journey made by a sovereign through his or her realm. 巡行,巡游帝王在其王国里的有仪式的旅程
A ceremonial purification of the entire ancient Roman population after the census every five years. 驱邪仪式古罗马每五年普查人口后对全体国民进行的净化仪式
A ceremony in Judaism that marks the completion of a young person's religious training. 犹太教仪式犹太教一种表明年轻人已受过完整宗教训练的仪式
A certain Mr. Brown telephoned you while you were out. 你出去的时候,有个叫布朗的先生来过电话。
A certain Soviet scientist requested asylum in the West. 一名苏联科学家向西方寻求政治庇护。
A certain [color=Red][b]superciliousness [/b][/color]of look, coolness of manner, nonchalance of tone, express fully their sentiments on the point, without committing them by any positive rudeness in word or deed. 某种高傲的神态,冷淡与举止和漠然的声调,就充分表达了她们的情感,而不必借助十足粗鲁的言行。

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