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I loathe you!

I loathe essay tests and portfolios and prefer multiple-choice, true-false and matching tests. 我痛恨申论题和缴交作品集,较喜欢选择题、是非题和配合题(连连看)测验!
I loathe having to go to these conferences. 我最讨厌的是得参加这些会议.
I loathe it; I would not live alway: let me alone; for my days are vanity. 16我厌弃性命,不愿永活。你任凭我吧,因我的日子都是虚空。
I loathe life; I would not live forever. Leave me alone, for my days are a mere breath. 16我厌弃性命,不愿永远活着;你任凭我罢,因我的日子不过是一口气。
I loathe people who spread malicious gossip. 我讨厌那些散布充满恶意的流言蜚语的人。
I loathe you! 我讨厌你!
I locked myself out of my house, stark naked, and got caught by Mike. 我把自己锁在了房子外面,全裸,还被迈克看见了。
I lodged at a friend's house. 我寄住在一个朋友家里。
I long for family, because family is the best haven. 我恋家,因为家是最好的避风港。
I long for the Island of Songs across this heaving Sea of Shouts. 在这喧哗的波涛起伏的海中,我渴望着咏歌之鸟。
I long for the love of a fair maiden. 我渴望一位美丽少女的爱情。

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