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Forest Carbon Sink of Jiangxi Province Based on Forest Resource Inventory Data

Effects of phosphorus on the excretion of oxalate, hydrion and phosphatase by ectomycorrhizal fungi Lactarius deliciosus and Laccaria bicolor 磷对外生菌根真菌松乳菇和双色蜡蘑草酸、氢离子和磷酸酶分泌的影响
Advances of Vegetation Measures on River and Biodiversity 河道植物措施与生物多样性研究进展与展望
Effects of acid rain stress on physiological characters of Lindera megaphylla Hemsl. seedlings in summer and autumn 酸雨胁迫下黑壳楠Lindera megaphylla Hemsl.幼苗在夏季和秋季的生理生态特性
Measurement of Stable Carbon Isotopic Composition of Plant Samples by EA-IRMS System 植物样品中稳定碳同位素的EA-IRMS系统分析方法
Composition of endophytic fungi in Azadirachta indica from Yuanjiang County of Yunnan 云南元江印楝植物内生真菌的种类组成
Forest Carbon Sink of Jiangxi Province Based on Forest Resource Inventory Data 基于森林资源清查的江西省森林贮碳功能研究
Research Progress of Sex Determination Associated Function Genes in Dioecious Plants 雌雄异株植物性别决定相关功能基因研究进展
Prospect and Optimizing in Production of Biosurfactant 生物表面活性剂的优化生产及发展前景
Effects of enhanced UV-B radiation and different nitrogen conditions on protective matter and protective enzymes in millet(Setaria italica(L.) Beauv.) leaves 增强UV-B辐射与不同水平氮素对谷子(Setaria italica(L.) Beauv.)叶片保护物质及保护酶的影响
Chromosome Numbers and Karyotypes of Genus Salsola in Xinjiang 新疆猪毛菜属植物染色体数及核型分析
Establishment of the determination of NAD and NADH in the anaerobic fermentation of organic acids 厌氧发酵有机酸体系中NAD 和NADH测定方法的建立

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