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Its sad state only underscores how fortunes change.

Its roots lay without doubt in the events of 9/11, when the fruits of Saudi negect of the violent traits in purist Islam came home to roost with unprecedented vengeance. 根源无疑是9/11事件的发生,沙特阿拉伯对对纯化论伊斯兰教徒中的暴力特征的忽视使他们招致了史无前例的复仇报应。
Its rotation created us splendid sunrise and affecting sunset glow, which we often appreciated and enjoyed. 这使我们可以经常地领略绚烂的日出,欣赏动人的晚霞。
Its rotation, or its day, is only about 10 hours long. 它的自转,或它的一天只有大约10个小时。
Its rules and principles can only function in a static world. 学校里面的那些校规校纪只有在静态的世界里才有作用。
Its ruling settles one of the issues raised by the sexual harassment suit but others must be considered by an appellate court before the case can go to trial. 加州最高法院的这项裁定解决了这起性骚扰案件引发的诸多问题之一,但其它问题必须留待上诉法庭考虑,随后才能审理这起案件。
Its sad state only underscores how fortunes change. 开封令人沮丧的现状只是在强调命运的无常。
Its sales record is satisfactory. 销售纪录不错。
Its salient features are : financing directness, timeliness and convenience. 其显著特点是:融资的直接性、时效性和简便性。
Its salient features are its ability to open to ionic current when stimulated on its dendrites; to sum the incoming potentials in its cell body and to emit an action potential down its atomic part, if the potential accumulated is high enough. 其显著特点为:当加刺激于其树突上时能开启离子电流;能将进入细胞体中的电位相加,如积累的电位足够高,则发出一动作电位(冲动)。
Its sandy beach is often strewn with litter and it is hard to find much better food than a burger. 那儿的沙滩上总是丢满垃圾,在那里也很难找到比汉堡更美味的食品。
Its scale is testimony to China's nascent consumer culture and its property developers' passion for re-inventing the great American-style shopping mall. 其规模见证了中国日渐成型的消费文化,并显示了房地产开发商立志重新改造这一美国式购物中心的热忱。

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