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cases had pharynx bleeding(. 9% ) , cases had short time breathe obstacle (.7% ).
咽部出血例(.9%)。 短时呼吸障碍例(.7%)。

By Kendall's rank correlation: PTEN was negatively correlated to Ki-7 in atypical hyperplasia and endometrial carcinoma (r=-0.9,-0. 7;P<0.0 ) ,PCNA was positively correlated to Ki-7 in the above two groups(r=0.9,0.88; P<0.0). 经Kendall’S等级相关分析显示: PTEN与Ki-7在非典型增生组和子宫内膜癌组中呈负相关(r=-0.9,-0. 7;P均<0.0); 而PCNA与Ki-7呈正相关(r=0.9,0.88;P均<0.0)。
Cases of Patent Urachus Treatcd with CO_ Laser CO_激光治疗脐尿管闭锁不全两例报告
New Records of Soil Protozoa in Phylum Ciliophora 中国土壤原生动物纤毛亚门Ciliophora 新记录
The hamulus is the important construction to maintain the stability of cervical vertebra. 颈椎钩突是维持颈椎稳定性的重要结构,单侧单间隙钩突切除可导致颈椎在前屈—后伸方向上运动范围(rangofmotion,ROM)的轻度增加;
The overexpression of VEGF in the synovial has correlationwith the formation of pannus. . VEGF 在胶原性关节炎的发病过程表达增强,它与大鼠关节肿胀和滑膜血管翳形成关系密切。
cases had pharynx bleeding(. 9% ) , cases had short time breathe obstacle (.7% ). 咽部出血例(.9%)。 短时呼吸障碍例(.7%)。
cases with entire dehiscence abandoned sutura; case was healing after 80 day's treatment by protective dressing change on incision; 例全部裂开放弃缝合 ,例切口保护换药 80D后方愈 ;
days for Chloris virgata, days for Phragmites communis, days for Spodiopogon sibiricus, days for Clinelymus dahuricus and Cleistogenes squarrosa, 7 days for Arundinella hirta and Pappophorum boreale, and 0 days for Pennisetum alopecuriodes . 发芽种子超过总发芽种子的0%需要天数为虎尾草d,芦苇 d,大油芒d,披碱草d,糙隐子草d,野古草7d,冠芒草7d,狼尾草0d。
of ,metastasis all presented as medium T,high T.using Gd-DTPA enhanced TW,9 of primary carcinomas of ovarium presented as mixed cystoid mass,or irregular necrosis in the mass,with Gd -DTPA enhanced TW improved these features. 例恶性肿瘤中例转移瘤均表现等T长T肿块,Cˉ后增强,并均有腹水征。 0例原发性卵巢癌中9例信号不均匀,呈囊实性肿块或肿块内不规则坏死液化。
Arcuate structures; 弧形构造:常州—江阴—香山—沙洲弧形构造;
Cu vein of male left tegmen strong; 雄性左前翅 Cu脉粗壮;

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