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Relationships will be emotional this week.

Relationship power derives from the network of contacts and friends that you make, develop, and maintain at work; from coworkers who keep you up to date with the goings-on in their part of the organization, to executives who seek you out for special proje 人际关系权力来自你在工作中所建立、培养和保持的关系网和朋友圈;来自公司内其他部门的同事--使你及时了解他们部门的情况;来自公司主管--将特殊项目交由你负责;来自公司内其他人等。
Relationships are never easy. But money was never an issue nor did it play any part in the deteriorating of the relationship. 感情的维系从来都不是很容易的事情,可是在我和丹尼斯的之间,金钱从来都不是个问题,也从来没有对我们的感情有任何负面的影响。
Relationships have not been the best for you lately and it's left you somewhat gun shy. 进来和别人的关系不太好,而且让你有点害羞。
Relationships have subtle complexities now that go beyond words. 现在的人际关系有著难以用言语说明的微炒的复杂状态。
Relationships like this usually don't last long because they aren't rewarding but depressing. 这种人际关系通常不会长久,因为这样的关系没有益处,却让人压抑。
Relationships will be emotional this week. 本周感情丰富。
Relationships will be erratic this week. 射手座:本周关系不稳定。
Relationships will often be a foreign key in a table. 关系将经常是在桌子的外国的钥匙。
Relationships with women are favored too. 在女性中的关系对你也是有利的。
Relative dating assesses the age of a specimen in comparison to other specimens. 一种是测定相对年龄,通过与其他的样品的比较来确定待测样品的年龄。
Relative difference quotient algorithm is strong in local search, while genetic algorithm with a parallel operation is highly effective in global search. 相对差商算法局部搜索能力强,而遗传算法具有较强的全局搜索性,发挥两者的优势,提出组合遗传算法。

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