Irregular verb dictionary for JAVA enabled mobile phones. IMPORTANT: input lowercase only! The program won`t recognize verbs if there are capital letters in it!
不规则动词字典,适于兼容java的手机。必须输入小写字母!不认大写的字母哦! |
Irregularly shaped bodies will align their long axis to point towards the planet.
不规则地成形身体将会排列他们的长轴向行星指出。 |
Irrelevant or meaningless data generated by a computer along with desired data.
无用数据计算机产生的与所需数据不相干或无意义的数据 |
Irreplaceable marine ecosystems will be destroyed unless we learn to develop environmentally sound aquaculture and slow the man-made acidification of the oceans.
如果我们不学著发展对环境无害的水产养殖,并减缓人类对海洋酸化的影响,无可取代的海洋生态系将会毁灭。 |
Irresistible force includes: war, convulsion, falling of flyer or explosion, fire, or recognized natural disaster such as wind, rain, snow, hail, flood, and earthquake,etc that are not caused by client or contractor.
不可抗力包括:因战争、动乱、空中飞行物体坠落或其他非发包人承包人责任造成的爆炸、火灾,以及公认的风、雨、雪、雹、洪、震等自然灾害。 |
Irresistibly he managed to find tools and spent a long time unlocking the door.
王二婶感激万分,特意买来一盒过滤嘴香烟,非要塞给他。 |
Irresolute persons make poor victors.
优柔寡断的人不会成为胜利者。 |
Irrespective of being football's most promoted and relegated club, recent off field events have more often than not taken precedence.
尽管这个俱乐部的晋级与降级在足球运动中都无人可比,但是最近它在球场之外的经历却绝对是史无前例。 |
Irrespective of making profit or loss, the enterprise should file the return with the local tax authorities.
企业无论盈利或亏损,都应当向当地税务机关报送本表。 |
Irrespective of the approach, it is important to agree tariffs before investments proceed.
原译:不论采用哪种方法,在投资前达成一致同意的电价是重要的。 |
Irrespective of the fact that the tax base can be broadened and the civil service can be alleviated after the legalization of football betting, it means nothing.
而且失去他们的工作态度. |