To help overcome those deficiencies in a continent that is particularly dependent on herbal medicine, a group of researchers is assembling a pan-African pharmacopoeia—a database of plants with medicinal properties.
为了帮助那些基本依靠天然植物来医治疾患的国家解决这两个问题,一些研究者正致力于建立一个非洲药典——天然医药资源数据库。 |
To help pour out the rain?
来帮忙泼灑出雨水? |
To help prepare our people to meet the challenges of an increasingly complex business environment and society, we offer employee a series of training including orientation, on the job, personal development program and even oversea training etc.
公司对录用员工提供一定的专业培训,对部分职位表现突出,潜力卓越者亦提供其他海外培训机会。 |
To help prevent an outbreak, people should clean their hands and shoes before and after they visit farms or markets where birds are kept.
为了预防疾病暴发,当人们去关着鸟类的农场和市场之前和之后都应该清洗他们的手和脚。 |
To help prevent and outbreak,people should clean their hands and shoes before and after they visit farms or markets where birds are kept.Washing clothes and equipment after contact with birds is also important .
为了预防禽流感的暴发,进出有禽类的农场和市场人们都要清洁自己的手和脚,与禽类接触后,清洗衣服和设备也很重要。 |
To help read the pages damaged by forgers, the researchers also plan to fire X-rays into the backs of the parchment leaves and measure fluorescence from elements other than iron—including zinc and barium— that are found in the paint but not in the ink.
为了能读出被铁匠损毁的书页中的内容,研究人员还计划将X射线射到羊皮卷的背面,测量除铁之外其它元素–包括锌和钡–的荧光,一般涂料(而非墨水)中含有这两种元素。 |
To help relieve pain, Wang Sheng Zhou, Jie Yuan Zhou and the Namo Amitabha Buddha mantra sheet I wrote may be burned or chanted to pacify karmic creditors.
至于帮助解除痛苦,往生咒、解冤咒及我所写的阿弥陀佛圣号符都是可以火化或持念来平息冤亲债主。 |
To help replenish the estimated 8,000 calories they burn on a rigorous day, this year's cavers have taken up Lance Armstrong's Tour de France diet: 70 percent carbohydrates and 15 percent fat and protein.
为了补充人体每天所需的8000大卡的热量,本次科学考察队带了环法自行车赛的阿姆斯特朗的食谱:70%碳水化合物和15%的脂肪和蛋白质。 |
To help scrub the building interior clean.
帮忙把建筑的内部擦洗干净。 |
To help solve the mystery,researchers are using a NASA-developed rotating bioreactor,which provides a reasonable analogue of microgravity on Earth.
为了有助于解开这个奥秘,研究人员利用国家航空航天局研制的“旋转生物反应器”,该设备能在地面提供一个与太空颇为相似的微重力条件。 |
To help stimulate interest, we change the theme of our instructional units each week.
我们每周设计不同之单元主题,以增加学习兴趣。 |