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Through analysis of the actuality and existent questions about voltage reactive-power integrated control in substation , this paper presents a fuzzy control method for substation reactive-power compensation based on Siemens PLC.

Through analysis of engine ground test data, it's learnt that dogleg method can resolve efficiently the rich oil and overrunning problem, and achieve rotational speed control with strong robustness. 通过开车试验数据分析,折线法能够有效地解决冲速段的富油和冲速问题,实现冲速段的转速控制,并且具备较强的鲁棒性。
Through analysis of key profit point of oil storage and transportation in production of refineries, an information flow model of oil storage and transportation is built up, and a network management information system is designed. 摘要通过对炼化企业生产活动中的油品储运效益关键点进行深入地分析,建立油品储运业务信息流模型,设计了油品储运网络化管理信息系统结构。
Through analysis of performance the steam cylinder, it is believed that the main factors affecting the safe application performance of high temperature bolts are under and non-homogeneous pretightening loads. 摘要通过对汽缸结合面高温螺栓的性能试验分析,认为预紧力过大和预紧力不均匀是影响高温螺栓安全使用性能的主要因素。
Through analysis of problems presently existing in China's modern architectural design, and comparison between the eastern and western concept of inheritance and development of traditional architectural culture, this paper sets forth its position on the i 本文通过对一些中国现代建筑发展存在问题的分析,,对中、西方传统建筑文化继承与发展的讨论,提出中国现代建筑创作中应增强传统意识,注重传统文化的保护、继承与创新的观点。
Through analysis of status of urban water pollution and treatment in China, it emphasizes that market mechanism should be introduced to develop water pollution treatment in order to accelerate the step of water pollution treatment and solve the problem of 摘要本文通过对我国城市水污染及污水治理现状进行分析,提出在城市水污染治理中要引人市场机制,加快水污染治理步伐,解决城市水污染问题。
Through analysis of the actuality and existent questions about voltage reactive-power integrated control in substation , this paper presents a fuzzy control method for substation reactive-power compensation based on Siemens PLC. 通过分析变电站电压无功综合控制现状和存在问题的基础上,提出一种基于西门子PLC实现的变电站无功模糊控制系统的实施方案。
Through analysis of the actuality of high rate of accident, severe casualty and losing of economy, management is regarded as the most important factor influencing the safety of coal mine and some effective prevention countermeasures are proposed in this p 摘要通过分析中国煤矿重大事故频发、伤亡巨大和经济损失惨重的现状,认为煤矿行业的管理是影响煤矿安全的最主要问题,并提出行之有效的防治对策。
Through analysis of the change of the specifications of the clothing wires made of alloy steel before or after the tempering process, the paper puts forth that installation of tempering device after the punching and quenching process is helpful to better 摘要通过分析合金钢针布齿条回火前后各项指标的变化,指出在冲淬工艺后加装回火装置有助于提高金属针布性能,改善针布齿条色差,延长其使用寿命。
Through analysis of the data with regard to 34282 students of three universities in Sichuan in 2004, the solely concern will be the study of distribution of constitution exponent and physical grade and relationship between their weight and physical health 摘要通过搜集、整理四川3所高校34282名学生2004年的体质健康测试数据,对他们的体质指数和体质评分的相关分布情况进行了研究,探讨大学生体重与体质健康间的关系。
Through analysis of the development and present state of water eutrophication in Yanghe Reservoir, the water eutrophication was evaluated comprehensively by using trophic status indices. 摘要在分析洋河水库富营养化发展及现状的基础上,采用营养状态指数法对其营养状况进行综合评价。
Through analysis of the literature about the earthquake in West Gansu and the earthquake in the Capital in history, the possibility of using the West Gansu earthquake that occurred in AD 143 to test seismograph's function is denied again. 通过对历史上“京师地震”和“陇西地震”文献记载的分析,进一步否定了用公元143年陇西地震来测试地动仪的可能性。

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