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A Hubble Space Telescope image—taken using only light that would be visible to the naked eye— shows M87 [lower right] a giant elliptical galaxy.

A How about your older brother? What does he do? 你的哥哥怎么样?他是做什么工作的?
A How did you get home? A taxi? 你怎么回的家?乘出租车吗?
A How many comparisons can you find in the passage? Underline them. 在课文中你能找出几种表示比较的方式?在它们下面划上横线。
A How was your trip down south? 你去南方的行程如何?
A Hubble Space Telescope image—shows M87 [lower right] a giant elliptical galaxy. Elliptical galaxies do not take on the flat-disk or spiral shapes that most galaxies do. 哈勃望远镜拍摄下来的图象:M87一个巨大的椭圆星系。椭圆星系并不具有大多数星系具有的扁圆或是螺旋型的形状。
A Hubble Space Telescope image—taken using only light that would be visible to the naked eye— shows M87 [lower right] a giant elliptical galaxy. 哈勃望远镜捕捉到的这张照片显示的是1999年1月23日伽马射线爆炸的景象。
A Hummingbird Hawk-Moth (Macroglossum stellatarum) sucks the nectar of a buddleia blossom, Monday, Sept. 5, 2005 in a garden in Frankfurt, Germany. 上图为200595(周一)一只蜂雀——天蛾在德国,法兰克福市的花园里吸取醉鱼草花的花蜜。
A Hungarian government spokesman says the deadly strain of bird flu virus has been found in southern Hungary. 匈牙利政府发言人星期二说,匈牙利南部地区发现禽流感病毒。
A I also like the big, dramatic events at the Olympics. 我也喜欢奥运会上的大型的、壮观的比赛项目。
A I also like the team sports. 我也喜欢集体项目。
A I can't decide what to buy. 我决定不了买什么。

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