Julius Caesar was the first government official to order a traffic control act.
恺撒是第一个颁布控制交通法案的政府官员. |
Julius: Unplug that clock, boy. You can't tell time while you sleep. That's two cents an hour.
把表关了,小子睡觉不需要知道时间,一个小时要两美分钱那. |
Jullien, Francois, Detour and Access: Strategies of Meaning in China and Greece, [French ed., 1995], tr. Sophie Hawkes, New York: Zone.
弗朗索瓦?于连,《迂回与进入》,杜小真译,北京:三联书店,1998:第13章。 |
July 15 is Saint Swithin Day in England.
7月15日是英国的圣斯韦辛日。 |
July 18,1929,New York Herald,Proving he was too young and too green and rush to the top.
1929年,7月18日,纽约通报,“证明了他太年轻,太嫩,太匆匆地冲向顶点。 |
July 18th - Half-Blood Prince sells a record-breaking 6.9 million copies.
7月18日-《哈利·波特与混血王子》破纪录地售出了690万册。 |
July 1993 – July 2003: Teacher of English in the Foreign Languages College, Huaqiao University; BEC interlocutor / assessor.
7国立华侨大学外语学院教师;英国剑桥商务英语证书(BEC)口试考官。 |
July 1997, The Mechanism to Improve The Quality of Financial Statements of SMEs, 1997 APEC Seminar on Improving Capital Markets for International SMEs, the APEC Small and Medium Business Section, Taipei, Taiwan.
民国86年4月,中小企业诱因型融资契约之初探,(与叶银华合著),第三届中小企业管理研讨会,中正大学主办。 |
July 20, 2007 -- A two-run lead with your ace on the mound in the seventh inning against a lineup that played the first six frames as if somebody slipped Quaaludes into its morning coffee, should be a lock for a team that is desperate for wins.
洋基在球队王牌投手主投并带有两分领先的优势下,在第七局面对前六局备受压制的蓝鸟打线,但蓝鸟在第七局开始却像是喝了一杯早晨提神的咖啡般,极度渴望赢球并想锁住胜利。 |
July 2005, National Bureau of Cultural Relic formally announced that the image of Sunbird Deity was the symbol of Chinese cultural heritage.
2005年7月,国家文物局正式宣布,把成都金沙遗址出土的“太阳神鸟”金箔图案作为中国文化遗产标志。 |
July 22, 2002, Shenyang Advanced Manufacturing Technology Industrialization Company (AMT Company) was registered formally.
2002年7月22日,沈阳先进制造技术产业发展有限责任公司(AMT公司)正式注册成立。 |