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He came home tired and morose after a long and unsuccessful day's work.

He came here in early March and left in late March. 在三月初他来到这里,在三月底他离开这里。
He came here two years ago. 他两年前来到这里。
He came here without friends or possessions and made his fortune. 他来时举目无亲、 身无长物, 全凭白手起家.
He came home after years of foreign travel. 在国外旅行几年之后,他回家了。
He came home out of humour. 他回到家*很不高兴.
He came home tired and morose after a long and unsuccessful day's work. 一整天不顺心的工作之后,他回到家时很疲倦且闷闷不乐的。
He came home with two brace of rabbits in the bag. 他带著装有两对野兔的猎袋回家来了。
He came in and called for some magazines. 他走了进来,要了几本杂志。
He came in contact with many musicians from all over the world and developed the ability to wave different styles and feelings from different cultures together in a living symbiosis - carried by his unmistakable , his feeling for spiritual atmospheres and 他跟全世界的许多音乐家不断交流,逐渐地他形成了自己的风格:他能将世界各地不同文化风味的音乐有机地溶合起来——并非机械地去杂和,而是通过心的感悟来溶合,他特别能感悟那些极具灵性氛围的旋律——它们能让人舞蹈起来的。
He came in contact with many musicians from all over the world and developed the ability to wave different styles and feelings from different cultures together in a living symbiosis - carried by his unmistakable <Melodies From The Heart>, his feeling for 他跟全世界的许多音乐家不断交流,逐渐地他形成了自己的风格:他能将世界各地不同文化风味的音乐有机地溶合起来——并非机械地去杂和,而是通过心的感悟来溶合,他特别能感悟那些极具灵性氛围的旋律——它们能让人舞蹈起来的。
He came in second in the 800 meter race. 他得八百米赛跑第二名。

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