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Slowest mammal - the sloth. It has an average ground speed of only 6-8 feet per minute!

Slow up a bit, or you'll make yourself ill. 别这麽卖力气, 不然你要累出病来的.
Slow up a bit, or you'll make yourself ill. 别这麽卖力气,不然你要累出病来的.
Slow variation in the pitch of a sound reproduction resulting from variations in the speed of the recording or reproducing equipment. 音符失真,声音走音由于录音或放声装置中速度的变化而引起的,在放声中出现的较慢的音调变化
Slow-motion images revealed he barely touched Beckham. 慢镜头显示他仅仅轻微碰到碧咸。
Slower productivity growth lowers the potential growth of the economy – the growth it can achieve without accelerating inflation. 生产率增长放缓降低了潜在经济增长率,即在不会加快通货膨胀的情况下能够实现的经济增长率。
Slowest mammal - the sloth. It has an average ground speed of only 6-8 feet per minute! 最慢的哺乳动物:树懒。它的平均对地速度是每分钟6-8英尺。
Slowing abilities and spells will no longer decrease the speed of a player when traveling by Gryphon. 乘坐狮鹫时,减速魔法和效果不再会降低玩家的速度。
Slowing imports (of everything but commodities) are bad news for international companies, at a time when those doing business in China are already suffering from increased competition and oversupply. 对于跨国公司来说,减少进口是个坏消息,在它们在中国也遇到了更激烈的市场竞争和供过于求的局面下。
Slowing, or indeed zero, economic growth is consistent with softness in consumer spending and a downturn in corporate profits from high levels. 经济增长正在放缓,甚至并无增长,与消费开支疲软及企业盈利自高位下滑的趋势一致。
Slowly , I got to my feet and went higher up the shore . 慢慢地我站起来,走到高外的岸上。
Slowly I took off my wedding dress and veil. 我慢慢脱掉礼服,摘下面纱。

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