On the other hand there are likely to be times when you are home with your family and you discover that you have been subconsciously thinking of a nagging problem that you have had at work.
另一方面,也可能你和家人在家里的时候实然发现自己下意识地想到了工作上一个棘手的问题。 |
On the other hand ……I calculatedthat the secret police would seize the General Staff maps.
我估计秘密警察会没收那些军用地图。 |
On the other hand, 45% believe taking exercise is a waste of time and tiring.
另一方面,45%(的同学)认为锻炼浪费时间而且使人疲累。 |
On the other hand, C4 photosynthesis seems to have evolved more than 50 times, in 19 families of plant.
此外,C4光合作用可见于19科植物中,至今可能经历了50次以上的进化。 |
On the other hand, China has proclaimed that many of the allegations are “protectionist” and must be countered.
另一方面,中国宣称,许多指控都带有“保护主义色彩”,必须予以反击。 |
On the other hand, China's and America's journalism also have the very prodigious differences and their education respectively has their own characteristics.
另一方面,中国和美国的新闻事业亦有着很大的差异,新闻教育也各有特点。 |
On the other hand, I and many other genuinely interested and open minded Americans have been liaisoning productively for many years and I can vouch that Germans are like people everywhere, and their dogs are just as good citizens in their society as our o
另一方面,我和许多其他真诚的对此感兴趣的人和思想开阔的美国人许多年来一直有着联系,而且我敢担保,德国人就像所有其他地方的任何人一样,并且他们的狗在他们的社会中也是非常优秀的公民,就像我们的狗在我们的社会中那样。 |
On the other hand, I do envision a time ahead when the clinical science will come to share the same ground in their base of knowledge.
但是,我确能预见,有朝一日名临床学科能在其知识基础上共享一席。 |
On the other hand, I have recently come to the realization that I couldn't live without those blows.
而另一方面,我最近才意识到,没有这些敲打我是活不下去的。 |
On the other hand, I recognize the fact that this nation is making progress toward more freedom, albeit not at the pace we'd like to see in America.
在另一个方面,我认识到这样一个事实,这就是这一个国家正在向更自由的方向迈进,尽管,这向更自由迈进的步伐不是我们美国人想要看到的。 |
On the other hand, I shall avoid discussing minutiae and wil not load this essay with fleeting and instantly forgettable references to hundreds of names,topics and titles.
另一方面,我将避免谈论细节,不会装载这篇杂文在上百的暂短和立即易被忘记的关于名字、题目和标题。 |