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Endothelin can affect the contractile properties of cardiacmyocyte, stimulate myocyte growth and myofibrillogenesis, and increase resistance to apoptosis by intracellular signaling pathways.

Endoscopy: a flexible plastic tube with a tiny camera on the end is inserted into body cavities and organs, allowing the physician to view the suspicious area. 内镜:可弯曲的纤维管终端带有微型照相机插入身体的腔内或者器官,可以让医生观察可以区域。
Endosperm The nutritive tissue that surrounds the embryo in angiosperms. 胚乳:指包在被子植物胚外方的营养组织。
Endothelial dysfunction and cell loss are prominent features of cardiovascular disease. 内皮细胞的脱失和功能障碍是心血管疾病中的突出特征。
Endothelial dysfunction plays an essential role in initiation and progression of atherosclerotic diseases. 内皮功能完整性的维持需要通过细胞间不同的机制调整其活性。
Endothelial progenitor cells (EPCs) originating from bone marrow play a significant role in neovascularization of ischemic tissues and also in re-endothelialization of damaged blood vessels. 血管内皮祖细胞起源于骨髓,对于缺血组织的血管新生和损伤血管的复内皮化起着很重要的作用。
Endothelin can affect the contractile properties of cardiacmyocyte, stimulate myocyte growth and myofibrillogenesis, and increase resistance to apoptosis by intracellular signaling pathways. 摘要内皮素通过多种心肌细胞内信号途径调节心肌细胞的收缩特性,刺激心肌细胞生长和肌原纤维的产生、抗凋亡等作用。
Endotracheal tube (ETT) fire is a catastrophic disaster that may occur during laser surgery of the upper airway. 摘要二氧化碳雷射应用在上呼吸道部位的手术时,造成气管内管起火燃划极严重的一个并发症。
Endowed with terra firma grandeur, China is reputed as the single oldest uninterrupted civilization in the world. 中国是一个幅员广阔,具有辉煌灿烂的文明史的独立主权国家。
Endows a fund bearing the donor's name and provides general support to the program. 捐赠一个冠有捐献人名的基金,并提供该计划的一般性支援。
Endows annual seminars at a Rotary Center. 捐赠在扶轮中心所举行的年度研习会议。
Endplate potentials, acetylcholine potentials, and electrotonic potentials were recorded from the motor endplates of isolated diaphragms from acute late septic and nonseptic rats. 记录急性迟发性脓毒血症和非脓毒血症大鼠的离体横膈运动终板上的终板电位、乙酰胆碱电位和电紧张电位。

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