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High-dose steroid treatment greatly improved vertigo in 4 patients.

High-amplitude events are very destructive and significant. 高烈度事件具有相当的破坏性且十分重大。
High-capacitance enables reduction of noise over a wide frequency range. 高电容的特性所以适用于宽範围的杂讯消除.
High-class compounding dishware series, composing of tablespoons and chopsticks, is the latest perfect combination of dishware in China. 亚信“满园春”系列高级餐具组合由汤匙、筷子构成,是目前国内最新款式的中式餐具完美组合。
High-class product, high-class service is given you by dependable quality, quick service and competitive price. 本公司宗旨:以最可靠的质量,最快捷的服务,最有竞争力的价格为您提供一流的产品,一流的服务。
High-clasticity,good wear-resistance,oil-resistance.Small circle-resilience difference,high metal core stability. 耐油、弹性好、耐磨性优良,圆跳动公差小,金属芯平衡度高。
High-dose steroid treatment greatly improved vertigo in 4 patients. 经给予高剂量类固醇治疗后,重听及眩晕的情况均获改善。
High-dose testosterone appears to shorten sleep duration and worsen sleep apnoea in elderly men. 大剂量睾丸酮可引起老年人睡眠时间缩短睡眠呼吸暂停加重。
High-effective natural moistening factor - hyaluronic acid (HA) can deeply supply skin with water, thoroughly improve dry skin, make it water fresh and elastic; the 8 natural plants essence including Chlorophyll time-inverse non-trace repair factor, and 1 好处:高效天然保湿因子—透明质酸(HA),可深层补充肌肤水份,彻底改善皮肤干燥现象,令肌肤水润清盈而富有弹性;叶绿素逆时无痕修复因子、100%纯芦荟油等8种天然植物精华,有效改善皮肤晦暗无光、憔悴等现象,防止肌肤免受伤害,减少脂质氧化,令肌肤光滑细腻、充满生机;尤其适用干燥、缺水、暗黄等肌肤。
High-efficiency heat recovery is the key benefit of mechanical ventilation over conventional natural ventilation. 有效地抵御热量是机械通风相对于传统的自然通风最重要的优势。
High-efficiency, low-pollution coal-burning power generation, large hydropower generation units and new-generation nuclear technologies are among those in great demand, it says. 高效率,低污染的燃煤发电大型的水利发电单位以及新一代的核能技术都是属于强烈的需求行列,计划里提到。
High-end products are excluded from the ruling. 而这些高附加值的产品不受该判决约束。

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