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The client entrusts above mentioned is delivered by client visa application the material applies for to the visa the center reserves personal interview time, conduct and actions the agent of the client.

The clever search engine algorithms have recently just become even more advanced, and can now track unnaturally sounding sentences ! 因为有些比较聪明的搜索引擎还能判断句子是否自然!
The cleverest April Fool joke is the one where everyone laughs, especially the person upon whom the joke is played. 最高明的愚人节玩笑能让在场的每个人都捧腹大笑,即使是那个被作弄的人也会忍俊不禁。
The cleverest students can suck up as much knowledge as you can give them. 最聪明的学生能够接受所传授的一切知识。
The cleverness of this approach is that the disk's stylus can sit in the middle, and most files, on average, will be fairly nearby: That's how averages work, after all. 这种方法的聪明之处在于磁头可以停在中间,并且多数文件的位置都据此不远。这里的不远,是就平均值而言的。
The client computes the result incorrectly and returns it. 客户端虽然没有正确完成但仍返回了计算结果。
The client entrusts above mentioned is delivered by client visa application the material applies for to the visa the center reserves personal interview time, conduct and actions the agent of the client. 委托人委托上列受委托人递送签证申请材料至签证申请中心预约面试时间,作为委托人的代理人。
The client executable must call the exported functions through a function pointer. 客户端可执行部分通过函数指针访问输出函数。
The client fails to download or upload files. 客户端在下载或上传文件的时候出错。
The client gives the basic requests of translation, including: language, material style, work quantity and limitative time. 客户通过电话、电子邮件等提出自己资料翻译方面的基本需求。涉及内容包括:翻译语种、资料类型、工作量、完稿时间等。
The client has to set that function pointer if it wants to handle that event. 客户端必须设置它想处理的事件的函数指针。
The client is also the world's largest producer of powder coatings with 20 manufacturing locations in 15 countries on five continents. 在全球五大洲15个国家拥有20个粉未涂料生产基地,是全球最大的粉未涂料生产商。

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