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So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory.

So when the ship arrived and the crew came ashore looking for volunteers, I knew it was my chance. 所以当这艘船来到这,船员们上岸来找志愿水手时,我知道我的机会来了。
So when the temperature is way up, and the sweat is pouring down, what do Americans reach for to quench their thirsts? 那么当温度一路飙升,汗如雨下之时,美国人喝什么来浇灭喉中之火呢?
So when there are 493 people camping the same named quest mob in Hellfire Peninsula on Jan 16, there will be an almost instantaneous respawn of the mob when it dies. 所以如果有493个人在1月16日那天聚集在地狱火半岛守同一个名字的怪物的时候,他们在死亡之后会立即刷新。
So when they continued asking him, he lifted up himself, and said unto them, He that is without sin among you, let him first cast a stone at her. 他们还是不住的问他,耶稣直起腰来,对他们说,你们中间谁是没有罪的,谁就可以先拿石头打他。
So when they had come together here, I made no delay; on the next day, sitting on the judgment seat, I ordered the man to be brought. 17及至他们都来到这里,我就不耽延,第二天便坐在审判台上,吩咐把那人提上来。
So when this corruptible shall have put on incorruption, and this mortal shall have put on immortality, then shall be brought to pass the saying that is written, Death is swallowed up in victory. 54这必朽坏的既变成不朽坏的,这必死的既变成不死的,那时经上所记「死被得胜吞灭」的话就应验了。
So when those came who were hired first, they expected to receive more. But each one of them also received a denarius. 10及至那先雇的来了,他们以为必要多得。谁知也是各得一钱。
So when we talk about Chinese kids going abroad, or how to deal with learning English or test pressure, we acknowledge the difference of each cultural system. 所以当我们谈论到关于中国小孩出国的境况、如何去学英语或处理考试压力时,我们都不得不承认不同文化体系之间的差异。
So when you are learning a word, you should remember its accurate pronunciation at the same time. 这就要求在学每一个单词时,都要掌握它的正确发音。
So when you are listening, please write down some key words and important sentences. OK? 因此,请同学们在收听节目同时,别忘了把重要的单词或句子记下,以便抽查。
So when you finally let go, the car speeds across the floor… powered by the kinetic energy from the flywheel. 所以当你最后放开它的时候,小车可以快速地在地板上穿梭…此时能量来源于变速轮。

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