The US top general said Friday that he did not believe China's armed forces were a threat and played down the prospects for hostilities in the Taiwan strait.
美国高级军事官员星期五表示,他不相信中国的陆海空三军会成为威胁,并在台湾海峡降低敌对勘探。 |
The US trade deficit grew by $2.5bn in February to a record $61bn, heightening worries over the mounting imbalance in the global economy and causing economists to scale back their US growth forecasts.
2月份美国贸易逆差增加25亿美元,达创纪录的610亿美元,这加深了外界对全球经济不平衡加剧的担忧,并导致经济学家降低对美国经济增长的预测。 |
The US trade deficit surged to beyond forecast, suggesting the US economy may be weaker than thought.
美国贸易赤字大大超出了预测,这意味着美国经济比预想的更疲软。 |
The US troops are no longer trying to storm the areas [of An-Nasiriya] held by the elements of the Iraqi 11th Infantry Division, but instead use artillery and aviation to methodically destroy these areas.
美军部队不再进攻伊军11师部队控制的纳西利耶地区,但转而用大炮和空中火力来摧毁这些地区。 |
The US was on overdriving to solve the Iran nuclear issue and the post-war rebuilding in Iraq, but the sudden announcement of owning nuclear weapons from North Korea was out of the blue and made Bush have a full plate.
译文:美国就核武问题正想方设法在找伊朗的茬,同时又全力以赴投身于伊拉克重建,就在这个时候,朝鲜突然宣布已经研制出了核武器,这一突变尤如晴天霹雳,真够布什喝一壶的(原义:盘子里拿了太多的食物吃不完)。 |
The US was one of four members to abstain, along with Haiti, Israel and Palau.
美国是四个投弃权票的国家,其它三个国家是海地,以色列和帛琉共和国(帕劳)。 |
The US was quick to exploit the situation.
而美国对这一局势迅速加以利用。 |
The US will start issuing the new high-tech passports to its citizens this year but full roll-out is unlikely until the end of 2006, according to the State Department.
根据美国国务院的信息,今年美国将开始向该国公民发放新的高科技护照,但全面推广要到2006年年底才有可能展开。 |
The US worries that low-cost Chinese imports will lead to job losses in states such as North Carolina.
美国担心,低成本的中国进口纺织品将导致北卡罗来纳等州就业流失。 |
The US would push for China's acce ion to the World Trade Organisation in time for November's a ual meeting of the trade body.
美国将尽力协助中国,于世界贸易组织在十一月召开周年会议前,加入世界贸易组织。 |
The US would push for China's accession to the World Trade Organisation in time for November's annual meeting of the trade body.
美国将尽力协助中国,于世界贸易组织在十一月召开周年会议前,加入世界贸易组织。 |