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At least it's far from Conflux in power.

At least he didn't give you that line about how rough he had it when he was in your age. 至少他没拿“他在你这么大的时候日子有多艰难”那段来说教。
At least he, Dikembe, Rafer, even Les' spending spree should keep things moving for a week. 也许他,穆托姆伯,阿尔斯通,甚至亚历山大,这样的大把花钱还要继续一周。
At least here, very comfortable! 至少在这里,很舒服!
At least in the short term, Mr Gautier says, government activity in the Arctic has more to do with transport routes than with under-sea riches. 戈蒂埃表示,至少在短期内,北极地区的政府活动更多的是有关运输路线,而不是海下财富。
At least it will give the two countries the opportunity to rehearse their newest bilateral endeavour: a “joint mechanism” to combat terrorism, which Mr Singh and Mr Musharraf agreed to form after the blasts in Mumbai. 至少这将给两国一个尝试他们最新的双边努力的机会:一个对付恐怖主义的“联合机构”,这是在孟买爆炸事件发生后辛格总理和穆沙拉夫共同倡导成立的。
At least it's far from Conflux in power. 至少它的力量完全不同与元素城。
At least its management has been brought to the negotiating table. 现在至少其管理水平已被摆上了谈判桌。
At least medical bills were not a major concern; though I had been laid off, my insurance continued in force at a small cost, and it would cover my daughter's medical bills, likely to amount to several thousand dollars, albeit not those of the child. 至少医疗费不是大问题;虽说我下岗了,但我的医疗保险还有效,只需交很少的保险费,这项保险也包括我女儿的医药费,总数约几千美元,但不包括婴儿所需的费用。
At least not for anyone I know. 至少不为任何人我知道。
At least now the birds are well provided for, and the cats and dogs. 至少现在那些鸟儿都有人养活了,还有猫和狗。
At least on Sunday this week they can have a day off and do that. 至少这个周日,切尔西的球员们有一天的时间进行休息。

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