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And has already made very great success.

And guess what? The waiting list for any sort of season tickets is still at about 1,600 fans. 猜猜接下来发生了什么?排着长队买各种套票的人仍然有1600多名。
And had rained down manna upon them to eat, and had given them of the corn of heaven. 诗78:24降吗哪像雨给他们吃、将天上的粮食赐给他们。
And had seen that some of His disciples ate bread with common hands, that is, unwashed. 2他们曾看见祂的门徒中,有人用俗手,就是没有洗的手吃饭。
And hallow my sabbaths; and they shall be a sign between me and you, that ye may know that I am the LORD your God. 20且以我的安息日为圣。这日在我与你们中间为证据,使你们知道我是耶和华你们的神。
And hampering the free movement of goods would discourage Colombian farmers from diversifying away from coca and into legal crops. 另外,阻碍商品的自由流动也会让哥伦比亚农民失去多元化种植的热情,不再放弃古柯,投入合法的作物种植。
And has already made very great success. 并已经取得了很大的成功。
And has already passed ISO9002 quality system authentication . 并已通过ISO9002质量体系认证。
And has characteristics of strong adaptation, fine efficiency and low cost, reducing the labor intensity, and plays a role as pressure defense, damp-proof for the packed goods to make the package solid. 它具有适应强、高效低耗、减轻劳动程度的特点,对被包装物能起到防压、防潮的作用,使包装牢固。
And has had the special business agent for many years continuously allies acts this company series product, the cloud dawn trademark has also registered has ten several years the glorious history. 并有专门代理商多年来一直加盟代理本公司系列产品,云晓商标也已注册了具有十数年的悠久历史。
And has the advanced production experience the perfect management system, as well as the technology exquisite production design personnel, may provide the product for you which the best service and the quality felt relieved, and may develop, the design fo 并拥有先进的生产经验的完善的管理体系,以及技术精湛的生产设计人员,可以为您提供最好的服务和质量放心的产品,并且可以为您开发、设计、生产各种异型产品,满足您的需要。
And has the finer province electricity performance and the acoustic fidelity. 并具备更优良的省电性能和音质.

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