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On the brim of prosperous Shanghai, there is an ancient town of Zhujiajiao beseting in lakes and mountains.

On the bench a large light bulb was glow-ing faintly. 在工作台上,一个大灯泡发出微弱的亮光。
On the black wall, there was a signboard showing Good News of New Coming Iraq Jujube For Two Yuan for Half of Kilogram, the red paper had became saffron. 熏黑的土墙上,贴着“好消息新到伊拉克蜜枣二元一斤”的“露布”,红纸已经变成了桔黄色。
On the blackboard are three English sentences. 黑板上有三个英文句子。
On the blackboard the futile abracadabra which the future citizens of the republic would have to spend their lives forgetting. 有时在马路边的大接待室里接待家长们,那儿摆着古代英雄的半身塑像,诸如莫里哀、拉辛、柯奈、伏尔泰之流。
On the bridge main engine instrument board, there is main engine cooling water thermometer, lub oil pressure gauge, main engine revolution indicator, main engine emergency shutdown pushbutton, and there is audible and visual alarm device for main engine l 本船驾驶室主机仪表板设有主机冷却水温表、滑油压力表、主机转速表、主机应急停车按钮,并具有主机滑油压力低、冷却水高温、齿轮箱滑油工作压力低的声光报警装置。
On the brim of prosperous Shanghai, there is an ancient town of Zhujiajiao beseting in lakes and mountains. 在上海这个洋气十足的繁华都市边缘,有一个镶嵌在湖光山色之中的千年古镇朱家角。
On the bus I always manage to glance at the headline in the newspaper. 在公共汽车上我总能设法匆匆看一眼报纸大标题。
On the bus I always manage to glance at the headlines in the newspaper. 在公共汽车上我总是扫视一遍报纸上的标题新闻。
On the bus a man discovered a pickpocket's hand thrust into his pocket. 在公共汽车上一人发现一个小偷把手伸到了他的口袋里。
On the bus she thinks about the subjects she learned and plans to make the best of the day. 在车上她想著她所学习的科目,同时计画如何好好利用这一天。
On the byway of villas of Royal Garden, I was evoked the famous movie of Two Towers when I see two trees and one street lamp. 走在御花苑的别墅小道上,两株灌木和一盏路灯在一起的造型让我不由地想到一部电影的名字“双塔奇兵”。

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