This amendment is not only closely linked with Chinese women's life and development, but also gives people much progressive food for thought.
妇女权益保障法的这次修正,不仅同中国妇女的生存与发展息息相关,而且向人们展示了诸多值得深入思考的进步。 |
This amount exceeds the estimate for soybean production in Zhejiang currently set at 189,000 t.
该值超过了当前浙江省大豆生产189000吨的指标。 |
This amount includes all commi ion.
这一数字包括所有佣金在内。 |
This amount includes all commission.
这一数字包括所有佣金在内。 |
This amount includes all your commission.
这一数字包括你的全部佣金在内。 |
This amount is non-refundable after the first day of school.
这一费用在学校开学第一天后不得退费。 |
This amount of business can be done only because the money involved is transferred by means of checks.
这样一大笔巨款的交易能完成,只是因为交易的货币是用支票方式来转拨的。 |
This amounts to a form of socioeconomic theory in which (relational) context matters, in contrast with the universal rationalism assumed in orthodox economics.
宏观经济理论强调理性环境的作用,而正统经济学则强调遍在理性。 |
This amounts to about nine apiece for each man, woman, and child in the country.
这个数量差不多使这个国家里的每个人平均拥有9支铅笔,包括男人、女人、和孩子。 |
This analogic mode is for compatibility with some existing equipments only, and is not recommended for new equipments.
这种类比模式仅为一些已有设备兼容,不被新的设备采用。 |
This analysis and research on the legal nature of the licensing chain operations, as well as the legal relationship of the objects franchising legal identity.
文章重在分析和研究特许连锁经营法律关系的性质,以及作为这一法律关系客体的特许经营权的法律属性。 |