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This valuable heirloom has been passed down from generation to generation.

This vacation retreat takes full advantage of expansive Arayat mountain view, a lush environment, gardens, path walks, and state-of-the-art water theme park. 距首都马尼拉仅1个多小时,是菲律宾最新旅游推广特区。渡假城建于著名景点艾华日山区附近,可远眺壮茁的山景,亦可亲近广宽的花园平台、环保设计的恬静小径及多个主题公园。
This vaccine was the key to success earlier this year when Egypt and Niger were removed from the list of polio-endemic countries. 这种疫苗乃是今年稍早埃及与尼日得以从小儿痲痹流行国名单删除的关键。
This vaccine will give you immunity for two years. 接种这种疫苗可有两年免疫力。
This valentine day has you only then to be perfect! 这个情人节有你才完美!
This valley was lumbered hard during the past decade. 在过去十年里,这个山谷的林木被大肆采伐。
This valuable heirloom has been passed down from generation to generation. 这个珍贵的传家宝是代代相传的。
This value has been called the canonical ratio. 这个数值称为「正则比值」。
This value is based on the distance in light years between the two sectors. 这数值是以两个区域的距离(光年为单位)来计算。
This value is neither pure instrumental value nor pure intrinsic value, but the unification of the two. 这种价值既不是纯粹的工具价值,也不是纯粹的内在价值,而是二者的统一。
This value is termed the absolute priority of the thread and is calculated from the priority values assigned through the API to both the thread and the process which owns that thread. 这个值被决定了线程的绝对优先级,这个绝对优先级是通过API赋值给线程的优先级以及它所在进程的优先级共同计算得到的。
This value is then propagated back through the layers of calling routines until someone wants to take responsibility for it. 之后这个数值透过呼叫流程层层倒推,直到某个函式愿意为这个错误负起责任为止。

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