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She's asked to be left alone but the press keep pestering her.
她要求不要打扰她, 但报界总是缠著她不放.

She's as fierce and determined as ever, but the childlike sense of wonder she felt when hiding on Tatooine has given way to a focused awareness and sense of purpose. 她的果断和坚毅一如以往,但在塔图因短暂躲避期间不经意地流露出的孩子气已经不再,取而代之的是对自己的意愿有了明确认知的人。
She's as meek as a lamb . 她像羔羊般温顺.
She's as meek as a lamb. 她像羔羊般温顺.
She's as quick as lightning on the tennis court. 她在网球场上疾如闪电.
She's as right as rain. I saw her the day before yesterday and she looked great. (她身体相当健康。我前天看到她的时候她气色看起来很好。)
She's asked to be left alone but the press keep pestering her. 她要求不要打扰她, 但报界总是缠著她不放.
She's at Thornfield Hall,’ replied Mason in a weak voice. ‘I'm her brother and I've seen her there. “她就在特恩费得。”梅森用虚弱的声音说。“我是她哥哥,曾在那儿见过她。”
She's at the peak of her career. 她正处于她事业的顶峰.
She's awfully county. 她十足地主派头.
She's beckoning me. 她打手势叫我过去。
She's become old and helpless. 她变得老且无能为力的。

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