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According to the concept of the fuzzy set a method of mining association rule for the quantitative data is presented. The experiment shows that the algorithm is efficient and applicable.

According to the computer simulation, the output power of the generator should be decreased when the excitation type have been changed. 通过计算机仿真可以看出,励磁方式切换后,稳态运行时系统发出的功率将减少,所以,切换励磁方式的同时,要求减少系统的发电功率。
According to the concept and characteristic of cyclic economy, the economic development in China is analyzed and compared with foreign countries. in order to improve the cyclic economy in China, some suggestions are put forward: taking Germany as an examp 摘要通过论述循环经济的概念、特征,用循环经济的眼光看待我国的经济发展并将其与国外做法相比较,得出进一步改进我国循环经济发展的一些措施:借鉴德国的运作模式,建立收购-转运-处置的中介机构;完善现有的法律法规体系,推动循环经济的发展;促进生产领域的绿色化和循环发展;应当对公众开展有效的引导和宣传,使循环经济理念影响企业和公众的行为。
According to the concept of TOPSIS, an overall performance index is obtained for each alternative. 采用TOPSIS方法计算出评价方案的综合评价分数并进行排序。
According to the concept of all-round well-off defined by the 16(superscript th) National Congress of CPC, considering the veracity and easiness to gather data, this paper designs an all-round well-off indicator system for rural China, and determines the 摘要根据党的十六大对全面小康的界定,结合数据的准确性与易获取性,本文设计了一个农村建设全面小康社会的指标体系,并采用变异系数法确定了各项指标的权重。
According to the concept of linear-fitting correction, the correction factors for correcting the test-piece image are obtained by reference images and their corresponding means captured at fixed tube voltage and different tube current. 此方法基于线性拟合校正的思想,在一定管电压下,改变管电流采集一组探测器基准图像,利用这组图像与其相应均值进行拟合,再把拟合系数作为校正因子对试件成像进行校正。
According to the concept of the fuzzy set a method of mining association rule for the quantitative data is presented. The experiment shows that the algorithm is efficient and applicable. 摘要根据模糊集原理,提出了一种数量型数据挖掘关联规则的方法,并通过试验证明了算法的合理性。
According to the configuration and ecotope of the earths surface, the coverage of vegetation, occupation ratio of bare sandy land and the soil texture were selected as evaluation indexes by using the field investigation data. 利用外业调查数据,依据地表形态和生态状况的变化,确定了植被盖度、裸沙地占地百分比和土壤质地3项评价指标,并建立了基于遥感的科尔沁沙质荒漠化评价指标体系,其中裸沙地占地百分比用混合像元分解的方法获得。
According to the configuration of porous ceramics, there are two kinds of means to make porous ceramics by preceramic polymer pyrolysis, namely bulk structure porous ceramics and ceramic foams. 根据所得多孔陶瓷的形态,先驱体转化法制备多孔陶瓷大致可分为两类:制备本征结构的多孔陶瓷,制备泡沫陶瓷。
According to the connotation of internal control systems, systematic analysis on the macro and micro components can promote effectively the construction of internal control systems of commercial banks in reality. 根据银行内控制度的内涵,系统性地分析构建银行内控制度的宏观要素和微观要素,是有效推进我国银行内控制度建设的现实着眼点。
According to the constitution, the use of referendum is not obligatory, but rather usually requires the agreement of the president. 就宪法的规範而言,法国的公投并没有强制性,其实施与否通常需由总统同意而提出。
According to the constitutive relation of the fluid, academic model for calculating damping force of viscous damper is first developed. 在幂律流体本构关系的基础上,建立了粘滞阻尼器的阻尼力计算模型。

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