The later Naiyanikas gave logical proofs for the existence of God (see Ishvara) and also for his uniqueness, especially during their arguments against the Buddhists who at that time were fundamentally atheistic.
后期的正理派对神的存在和他的唯一性给了合乎逻辑的证明,特别是在他们与佛教徒的争论当中,那时候基本上是无神论。 |
The later application serves the functions of increasing grains/ear and kernel weight.
较晚施肥起到增加穗粒数和粒重的作用。 |
The later are called Swiss federal institutes of technology.
所以,联邦大学称为瑞士联邦科技学院。 |
The later arises because maximizing on one eventually means minimizing on others. For example, Schlitz sought to maximize earnings per share and ended up minimizing on customer satisfaction.
后一种情况出现的原因是某一个目标的最大化最终意味着其他目标最小化。例如,喜立滋寻求每股收益最大化,最后把顾客满意度最小化了。 |
The later is rather the proper use of this word in the tradition of German Idealism.
后者,或许毋宁才是这个概念近(在德国哲学常规下的)真正的使用方式。 |
The later stood for measurement spectra and the former for background and noises.
前者代表有用的分析信号而后者代表背景和噪声。 |
The later years of both Claude Monet and Edgar Degas were marked by failing vision and corresponding changes in the style of their paintings, creating an ambivalence about their later work among both their contemporaries and today's critics.
莫内和窦加这两位画家晚年为视力衰退所苦,相对的,也表现在他们画风的转变上,使他们当代和今天的画评家,对他晚期的作品产生互相矛盾的看法。 |
The lateral approach also can be made with the patient supine by placing a sandbag under the ipsilateral buttock, internally rotating the hip, and inverting the foot.
外侧人赂同样也可在患者仰卧位下进行,但需在患侧臀部下垫沙袋,内旋患侧髋关节,并将足内翻。 |
The lateral elite is literally illiterate.
边上的杰出人物简直是文盲. |
The lateral or downward movement of dissolved or suspended material within soil when rainfall exceeds evaporation.
淋溶作用当降雨量超过蒸发量时,土壤中溶解或悬浮物的向侧面或向下的运动 |
The lateral sides of the house were made with bricks, while the front and back were wooden.
这房子的侧面是砖造的,而前后却是木制的。 |