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Mr.Rockenfall was told that a local field agent near their house would put a tap on the phone and listen for any new messages from the kidnappers .Then the FBI agent asked to speak with Mr.Rockenfall.

Mr.President, George Bush, has been receiving advice on all fronts, it seems, to raise taxes. I wondered if you think he can hold the line and not raise taxes for a full four years. And if he should cave in and raise them, would you be deeply disappointed 总统先生,乔治·布什,似乎正接到各方面的建议去增税。不知你是否认为他能守住阵脚,整整四年不增税。万一他[向压力]低头而增税,你对他是否会大失所望?
Mr.Priestley:Row A,number 16 to 21.That's right in the front.We'll have to push our way through the crowd to get to them. 普利斯特里先生:A排16座至21座,就在前面。我们只有挤过人群才能坐上座位。
Mr.Qian Xuesen has advocated the theory on scientific and systematic development of grass industry and on development of knowledge-intensive grass industry.He has also stressed the key points of the industry in the West Development and that the three issu 钱学森倡导科学系统的开发草原,发展知识密集型草产业,强调西部开发的重点是用新思路破解“三农”、“三牧”问题,在钱学森同志理论指导下,内蒙古草产业、畜牧业在逐步发展,在逐步做大做强。
Mr.Reagan's nearly$2 trillion in Federal and trade debt(or$30, 000 per family) will be a ball and chain around the neck of economic growth. 里根先生将近2兆联邦及贸易负债(亦即每户3万元)将是经济成长的绊脚石。
Mr.Roberts,would you please sign an inspection record for me?May l have your identity unmber for reference? 罗伯茨先生,请问签一份看楼记录书,可否告诉我你的身份证号码作为记录参考?
Mr.Rockenfall was told that a local field agent near their house would put a tap on the phone and listen for any new messages from the kidnappers .Then the FBI agent asked to speak with Mr.Rockenfall. 他告诉洛肯夫先生,他们家附近的地方密控会去监听他家电话中绑匪以后会传来的任何留言,然后联邦调查局调查员又要求与洛肯夫太太讲话。
Mr.SAKATA, chairman of the directors council, contributes our love to the social welfare several times on behalf of the company. 员工是公司的财富,公司的关爱无所不在。丰富多彩的职工业余生活,安全稳定的生活环境,使公司的凝聚力不断增强。
Mr.Scott is now working at the main office in New York. 史考特先生现在在纽约总公司工作。
Mr.Scott moved to our head office in New York. 史考特先生已经调到我们纽约总公司。
Mr.Smith gradually garnered a national reputation as a financial expert. 史密斯先生逐渐赢得全国金融专家的声誉。
Mr.Smith has been asked to arbitrate between the employers and their workers. 已经请了史密斯先生来仲裁雇主与工人之间的纷争。

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