PLAYER), seek to establish a house of order. You are confused, and waver much.
我看你需要到秩序之屋里待一段时间,你现在思维混乱,意志动摇了不少。 |
PLAYER), the earth groans under your reckless care. Reform your ways, or your blood will nourish the grasses.
土地因为你的不经意而受到了损害。我命令你,现在就改变你的行事方式,否则你的鲜血将成为滋养大地的养料。 |
PLAYER), the gross imbalances in your empire will only hasten your eventual destruction.
即使是大体上的不平衡,同样会加速你的王国走向灭亡。 |
PLAYER), you have failed because you are disorderly and entertain too many notions in your domain. I will not tolerate your ambivalence forever.
因为你不遵循秩序,在你的领土上有过多的靡烂生活与自作主张的行为,所以,你最终失败了。我可以原谅你一次,但我不会永远对你的亦正亦邪容忍下去。 |
PLAYER), you have successfully accomplished my request, and as payment I will defer the enactment of supreme judgment upon your head.
你已经成功地完成了我的请求,作为报答,我将推迟对你进行审判的日期。 |
PLAYER), your empire remains in disarray, but I can change that. Obey me, and I will reward you.
你的王国陷于混乱之中,但我能改变这一现状,服从我吧,我就将回报你的顺从。 |
PLAYER), your loss is predictable, considering your complete lack of discipline and direction.
考虑到你完全缺乏纪律的约束与正确的引导,我完全可以预见到你最终的堕落。 |
PLAYER). Blasphemy. Anguish comes soon. Disgust. Magic sorrows.
你亵渎我,苦闷即将降临你身,我厌恶,我悲伤。 |
PLAYER). Cherished Silence. Weary. No bother. Good riddance.
我喜爱寂静,我已经疲倦,再也不要打扰我,摆脱了你真好。 |
PLAYER). Hostile. Signs say No. Never penitent. Unwelcome.
你与我敌对,我不希望这样,如果你不忏悔,你将会不受欢迎。 |
PLAYER). Rebel. Know Strife. Pain. Learn anguish.
你的叛变,将会导致斗争,痛苦,苦闷会一起降临。 |