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Female, African-american. I think he is one of the best actors out there! I loved him in Infernal Affairs, one of my favorite movies.

Female smokers are thought to be less affected because they do not breathe in the smoke so deeply. 女性吸烟者被认为受的影响较小,因为她们不深吸烟。
Female subject grabs wrist after third click. 女性试验者在第三次声响后抓住了(我的)手腕。
Female wedding guests are supposed to look elegant and bridesmaids are sup-posed to look pretty without eclipsing the central charac-ter. 婚礼女宾客的穿着看起来应该典雅,伴娘的服装看起来也应漂亮,但不能遮盖了中心人物的风采。
Female's TC and LDLC are higher than male after 51, and female's HDLC is higher than male in all ages. 高胆固醇血症41~60岁年龄组男性为29.5%,女性为36.3%,60岁以上年龄组男性为41.0%,女性为50.6%。
Female, 22-28 years old, good appearance, familiar with Chinese Tea. Tea Art, Tea culture, Art/Painting collection and sales. Fluent English/Japanese (no requirement on education and residence, expatriate is preferred). 要求:女,22岁-28岁,形象良好,精通中国茶艺、茶道、茶文化和书画收藏交流、书画销售知识。能熟练流利的运用英语、日语交流(学历、户籍不限,外籍人士优先)。
Female, African-american. I think he is one of the best actors out there! I loved him in Infernal Affairs, one of my favorite movies. 女性,非裔美国人。我想他是目前最好的演员之一!我爱《无间道》里的他,那是我最喜欢的电影之一。
Female, Age 24-30, University graduate, 2 years+ working experience preferably in service industry, Excellent command of both spoken and written English (Second language a plus), Good knowledge of computer and interpersonal skill. 优秀的英语口语及写作能力(懂第二外语优先);良好的电脑应用能力和与人沟通能力。
Female, good health, non-smoker – must pass a medical check. 女性,身体健康,不吸烟–须通过体检。
Female:Do you have four buildings two halls? 女:你有四房二厅吗?
Females are affected two to three times more often than males. 女性病人是男性病人的2-3倍。
Females choose mates with beautiful tails, or in the case of lions, with big, black manes, because it turns them on. 雌性孔雀通常会选择有漂亮尾巴作为配偶,而母狮子则选择有浓黑鬃毛的雄狮,因为这样的鬃毛能刺激它们在交配过程中感到兴奋。

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