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A courageous foe is better than a cowardly friend.

A couple was found dead near burned charcoal in a flat. 一对情侣在一单位烧炭自杀身亡。
A couple who climbed a suspension bridge in Germany to watch the sunrise sparked a major rescue operation when passers-by mistook their stunt for a suicide bid, police said on Monday. 德国法兰克福警方8日表示,一对情侣近日为观赏日出景色爬上了一座吊桥,但过往行人误以为他们打算在桥上实施自杀,而引发了一场救援行动。
A coupled system includes the coupled flow and heat transfer between fluid and solid parts, besides coupled heat transfer among solid parts. 该系统既包括了流体和固体之间的流动与传热的耦合,也包括了固体与固体之间的耦合传热。
A coupler drive system for pumping unit is developed by using the theory of hydraulic drive of coupler. 摘要运用耦合器液力传动原理,研制成功抽油机耦合器传动系统。
A coupon offering two items, especially tickets for a play, for the price of one. 两件的票券提供两件的票券,尤指用一张票的价格购买的两张戏票
A courageous foe is better than a cowardly friend. 勇敢的敌人胜过懦怯的朋友。
A courageous warrior, Qin led his armies in conquering all six neighboring countries to create one nation that he named for himself, Qin, or Chin. 秦始皇英勇善战,他带领的军队征服了周边六国,并统一全国,他自称秦国,也就是中国。
A courier delivered the parcels (to our office). 送急件的人将包裹送来(送到我们办公室)了.
A courier reported that the Russian and the Spanish fleets had sailed for these waters. 情报员报导俄国和西班牙舰队已向这个海域出航。
A course consists of nine lanes, each 9 m wide. 一节包括9条9米宽的赛道。
A course laid out for racing. 跑道铺设用来赛跑的道路

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