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This is known as symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) support.

This is known as checkpointing. 这就是所谓的进度保存。
This is known as clipping. 这叫做剪裁。
This is known as concurrent evolution. 这就是所谓的同步进化。
This is known as intelligent environment analysis. 这中功能被称为智能环境分析能力。
This is known as reverberation. 这个现象被成为回响。
This is known as symmetric multiprocessing (SMP) support. 这即是对称的多重处理(SMP)支援。
This is known as the amyloid-cascade hypothesis, and most searches for treatment are based on it. 这就是所谓淀粉样级连反应假说,大多数对治疗方法的探索都是基于这个假说。
This is known as vacuum fractionation. 这就是所谓的真空分馏。
This is largely thanks to active investors, including hedge funds, who use futures in crafting increasingly complex multi-asset, cross-border trades. 这主要要感谢那些在技术逐渐日益复杂的多资产、跨境贸易中使用期货的活跃投资者们,包括对冲基金。
This is less common in a village community, but it is still true that sellers must not be too insistent, or it just becomes an unpleasant experience. 在乡村旅游中这样的情景较为少见,尽管如此,小商贩也不得过分纠缠,否则就会变成一段很不愉快的经历。
This is life in the technology lane. 科技进步让这些遗憾难以避免。

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