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FormerDeportivo La Coruna defender Jorge Andrade has passed his medical andwill also put pen to paper this week to complete the £7m move.

Former senator Bob Dole and former Health and Human Service Secretary Donna Shalala were looking to reports of patients neglected in pooling building maintenance. 前参议员鲍勃?多尔和前卫生与公众服务部长唐娜?沙拉拉对忽视伤者赡养费的报告进行调查。
Former soldiers have difficulty in adjusting to civilian life. 退伍军人很难适应平民生活。
Former some time see the recently new drawing of Zhang Guang Hui, is melon is beans fall is to understand. 前些日子看到张广辉的近期新画,是瓜是豆倒是明明白白。
Former state Assemblyman Darrell Steinberg, who represented the family in negotiations, said he believed the agreement was a fair deal for both parties. 谈判中该家族的代理人、前州议员达雷尔·斯坦博格声称他相信这个协议对当事双方都是一个公平的交易。
Former students of this school are now working in the four corners of the earth. 该校的校友现在世界各地工作.
FormerDeportivo La Coruna defender Jorge Andrade has passed his medical andwill also put pen to paper this week to complete the £7m move. 前拉棵鲁尼亚球员安德拉德已经通过了体检,并将在本周完成700万英镑的转会。
Formerly a British colony known as British Honduras, this little nation on the Central American coast has been independent for twenty-five years now, and boasts one of the most diverse cultures in the world. 位于中美洲海岸的蕞薾小国贝里斯,前身为英国殖民地的英属宏都拉斯,至今已独立二十五年,可说是世上最多元样貌的国家之一。
Formerly a Portuguese colony, Sao Tome and Principe became an overseas province of Portugal in 1951 and received local autonomy in 1973. 1972年改名为圣多美和普林西比解放运动,要求圣普无条件独立。
Formerly a salesman, my brother is now a manager. 我哥哥以前是个销售员,现在当上了经理。
Formerly cautious to the point of being uncommunicative, my companions had changed out of recognition. 我们的同伴们过去谨小慎微得几乎不开口说话,可现在他们变得判若他人了。
Formerly considered to be fungi, they are made up of independently living amebas that feed on bacteria, which they ingest by phagocytosis. 以前被认为是真菌类,是由能独立生活的变形虫组成的,这些变形虫可用来喂养细菌,通过吞噬作用被消化。

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