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Calvarial bones were taken out from newborn Wistar rats;osteoblast cells were obtained via enzymatic digestion method.
取出生24 h内的Wistar大鼠的颅骨,以酶消化法获得成骨细胞,将传至第3代的细胞冻存、复苏,对细胞进行生物学特性观察,研究了冻存复苏后的大鼠颅骨成骨细胞的生物学特性。

The impact of heat shock on the expression of fibrillin-1 in human dermal fibroblasts; 热休克对肌原纤维蛋白-1在成纤维细胞中表达水平的影响
Effect of heme oxygenase-1 induced by heat shock on delayed rejection in mouse to rat xeno-heart transplantation; 热休克处理诱导小鼠心脏HO-1表达并延长其移植至大鼠的存活时间
, the chemical composition, manufacturing process, micro-structure, strenthening mechanism, properties, applications, grades and specifications. 全面地描述了非调质钢的发展概况,分析了非调质钢发展过程中化学成分、加工工艺、显微组织、强化机制、性能、应用范围、品种规格等方面特征的变化。
Preparation and cytotoxicity of polylactic acid-polyethylene glycol nanoparticles loaded with norcantharidin; 去甲斑蝥素聚乳酸-聚乙二醇纳米粒的制备及细胞毒性实验
A Special View:the Sorrow of One Age——Yan Geling s pondering on “Cultural Revolution” through White Snake etc; 曲径通幽:一个时代的隐痛——从《白蛇》等作品看严歌苓对“文革”的另类反观
Calvarial bones were taken out from newborn Wistar rats;osteoblast cells were obtained via enzymatic digestion method. 取出生24 h内的Wistar大鼠的颅骨,以酶消化法获得成骨细胞,将传至第3代的细胞冻存、复苏,对细胞进行生物学特性观察,研究了冻存复苏后的大鼠颅骨成骨细胞的生物学特性。
Comparison of nutrients in the head of Black carp, Grass carp, Silver carp and Bighead carp; 青鱼、草鱼、鲢鱼和鳙鱼鱼头营养成分比较
Microendoscopic Discectomy for the Treatment of Acute Lumbosacral Disc Herniation in the Adolescents; 青少年腰椎间盘突出症的椎间盘镜治疗
Determination of Scopoletin in Qinghao by HPLC; 青蒿药材中东莨菪内酯的含量测定
The reaction product of QHS with ferrous ion-3-hydroxy deoxyartemisinin; 青蒿素在亚铁离子催化下的裂解产物-3-羟基脱氧青蒿素
Analysis of Reverse Elimination in the Artemisinin Market; 青蒿素市场中的逆淘汰分析

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