Her father is a financier.
她父亲是金融家。 |
Her father is a health care consultant.
他的父亲是一位健康谘询师。 |
Her father is a man of taste.
她父亲是个有品味的人。 |
Her father is a rookie at playing golf.
她父亲是高尔夫球菜鸟. |
Her father is a writer and actor.
她父亲是作家兼演员。 |
Her father is an oil baron.
她父亲是一位石油大王。 |
Her father left her little or nothing.
她父亲几乎没给她留下什么东西。 |
Her father owns this bank.
她的父亲是这家银行的老板。 |
Her father paid a $10,000 ransom to get her back from a snatch.
她父亲付了一万美元赎金将她从绑架中解救出来。 |
Her father put up storm windows throughout the house to cut down heat loss.
她的父亲在整个家里安上了双重保温窗来减少热量损失。 |
Her father reluctantly consented to the marriage.
她父亲勉强答应了这桩婚姻。 |