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Considering different frames on a subject, is less about tampering with what is really real and more about acknowledging the plausibility of multiple realities or perspectives.

Considering cavitation and the coupling of solid and fluid, the structure responses caused by combination of underwater explosion and hydrostatic pressure are simulated through modeling shell structure and its outer water. 通过对壳体结构及外部水域进行建模,并考虑流固耦合及空泡因素,模拟出结构受水下爆炸载荷及静水压力联合作用下的响应。
Considering chance constrained programming is a well developed stochastic optimization method which can describe risk in an explicit manner, with the premised market trading protocols, a chance constrained programming based model for describing the optima 鉴于机会约束规划作为一类快速发展的随机优化方法能以显式的形式刻画风险,针对以联营体为基础的输配分开电力市场,在假设的市场交易规则基础上,构造了在现贷市场中基于机会约束规划的供电公司最优报价策略模型,并采用遗传算法求解。
Considering concrete's thermal parameters and boundary condition changing with time, the distributions laws of temperature field in time and space during the first and second construction periods, as well as some useful conclusions are obtained from the c 分析中考虑了混凝土热学参数及边界条件随时间的变化,得到了该溢流坝段的温度场时空分布规律及一些有益的结论,该结论为温度应力的控制提供了重要的依据。
Considering considerable spiders outside, I stay in the presidens residence. 考虑到外面有相当多的蜘蛛,我呆在总统的住宅里。
Considering demand during lead time with mixtures of normal distribution and variable lead time, the integrated optimization model for a supply chain consisted with a buyer and a supplier is developed, and the corresponding algorithm is developed to find 摘要考虑提前期内需求服从混合正态分布且提前期为可变情形下,建立由购买商和供应商所组成的简单供应链的集成优化模型,并设计相应的算法对模型进行求解。
Considering different frames on a subject, is less about tampering with what is really real and more about acknowledging the plausibility of multiple realities or perspectives. 靠语言构架的意图将着重于有效沟通的管理技巧与贬义的操纵区别开来。
Considering effect of robustness of algorithms, two new algorithms for two-terminal fault location with a form of fraction are brought forward, which avoid the data synchronization between the two terminals. 在对其鲁棒性分析的启示下,提出了2种不需要双端(或多端)数据同步的分式型工频双端测距新算法。
Considering flat plate as the object of research, the analyses of structural transient temperature field and characteristic of structural vibration are presented with the conditions of thermal load. 以变厚度板为研究对象,进行热载状态下结构的瞬态温度场和振动特性分析。
Considering from this vision, the world would have an inextricable link with Haikou, and Haikou will have endless dynamic force just like the ocean accommodates all rivers on earth, discarding the old ways of life in favor of the new ones. 第三句:市民对家园的自豪感,外来者对海口的满意度,企业对所在地的认同感,都将成为一种凝聚力与感召力,成为对外部人才与资本的吸引力,最终形成这个城市的品牌效应而屹立于世界城市之林。
Considering her age, the girl's letter is very well put together . 就她的年龄而论,她的信可以说是写得很好的。
Considering her age, the girl's letter is very well put together. 就她的年龄而论,她的信可以说是写得很好的。

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