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B: Yeah, but I still believe in that proverb, “Spare the rod and spoil the child”.

B: Yeah, I tried it when I went to Yung Kang Street last weekend. It was da bomb but kinda expensive. 有啊,我上周末去永康街的时候有吃。味道很棒可是有点贵。
B: Yeah, I went to visit my daughter and son-in-law in London. 是啊,我去伦敦看女儿、女婿了。
B: Yeah, I'm going for a hike in the southern Rocky Mountains. 有啊。我打算去洛矶山脉南部徒步旅行。
B: Yeah, I've been working so much overtime lately. 是啊,我近来一直加班工作。
B: Yeah, a green Beijing will be achieved. 是的,绿色的北京,一定能实现。
B: Yeah, but I still believe in that proverb, “Spare the rod and spoil the child”. 是的,但是我很信奉圣经中的那句格言“孩子不打不成器”。
B: Yeah, but she's really poor..as in money-wise. 是吧,但是她很穷。。(我是指)她钱(财)方面。
B: Yeah, but sometimes I get sick of all the noise and traffic. 喜欢啊,但有时候我对这些噪音和交通混乱感到厌烦。
B: Yeah, he likes to make difficulties. That's why we have to work overtime everyday. 是啊,他喜欢刁难人家。那就是为什么我们得每天加班了。
B: Yeah, he makes a pig of himself every time he goes out. 对啊,他每次出去吃都狼吞虎咽的。
B: Yeah, he's a real loopy guy. He always does some weird and stupid things. 对啊,他真是个疯子。他总是做一些奇怪又愚蠢的事情。

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