His thought of moral education rooted in the evolution theory not only has brought about a breakthrough from the traditional cycle theory of history, but also offered new contents to it, which reflects a revolutionary nature on the one hand.
陈独秀道德教育思想以进化论学说为基础,不但突破了传统的循环史观,而且赋予了崭新的内容,表现出革命性的一面。 |
His thought was to avoid controversy.
他的意思是避免争论。 |
His thoughts about national education had the following traits: first, nationalism as the first ism but cut in openly with personal problems; second, emphasizing using the new to conserve the oldreconciling the exotic by the domesticconverting slaves to c
梁启超的国民教育思想具有以下特征:首先,将国家主义作为第一义,却又正面切入了个人的问题;其次,针对中国国情强调“以新守旧”,“以内化外”,“导奴隶就国民”;再次,以改革教育来改造国民性,以改造国民性来改造国家,具有文化启蒙的浓厚色彩。 |
His thoughts and longings are not chronicled in the daily papers; instead, he remains a figurehead who holds the country together by projecting an image of constancy, changeless even as he guides his nation through a series of dramatic, modernizing change
他的思想和憧憬并非每天上报,而是以一个象徵人物,藉由投射坚贞的形象,让国家团结在一起,甚至在他引领的国家,历经一连串戏剧性现代化的变革时,让他维持不变的形象。 |
His thoughts established the fundamental value orientation of Nation-Politics-Personality modern times and probed into the relationship between democratization and political personality modernization as well as the conflict arising from personality transf
但由于梁启超作为资产阶级的代言人具有先天的保守性、动摇性和不彻底性,所以他的近代国民政治人格思想不可避免的会有诸多缺陷,最终导致该思想在付诸实践过程中未达到预期的效果。 |
His thoughts seemed to be jumbled up.
他的思想似乎很混乱。 |
His thoughts upon artistic nature and development are met with misunderstandings.
其中,他的艺术本质和发展观就处于这样的遭遇。 |
His thoughts, and the discontent they engender, blast him free from years of emotional paralysis, and soon he makes a cheerful announcement at the funereal dinner table: I quit my job, told my boss to - - - - himself and blackmailed him for $60,000.Has he
他对现实不满的想法使他丧失了多年的情感生活,很快,他在丧礼似的晚餐时欢快地宣布:“我向老板辞职了,还勒索了6万块钱。” |
His threats are just talk. Don't worry.
他的威胁只不过是说说而已,别担心。 |
His threats are merely bluff .
他的威胁仅仅是虚张声势。 |
His three goals took him past German striking legend Gerd Muller to move to the top of the all-time FIFA World Cup scoring charts with 15 goals.
他的三个进球使其超越了德国传奇前锋盖德·穆勒,以15个进球成为世界杯历史上进球最多的球员。 |