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One day,if you see I 'm seating with quiet,that means I've lost my love!

One day,Grandma's brother Frank visited from Arizona. 一天,奶奶的弟弟法兰克从亚利桑那州前来拜访。
One day,Mary's husband got a new job in a big city.For their children,Mary went away with her huaband. 一个小城里住着两个女孩。一个叫玛丽,一个叫简,她们住在这儿25年了,是一对好朋友。
One day,a little m is playing by the well. 一天,有只小猴子在井边玩儿。
One day,a man knelt before a tombstone for a male.cried out sadly! 某日,有一个男人跪在一个男性的墓碑前,大声悲嚎!
One day,he went into a post office with his letter.He bought a stamp and gave it,together with his letter,to the girl at the counter. 一天,他带着他的信去邮局。他为他的信买了一张邮票,和他的信一起,走到一个女孩儿的柜台面前。
One day,if you see I 'm seating with quiet,that means I've lost my love! 一天,如果你看到我非常安静的座着,这证明我失去了我的爱。
One day,the boy who now turned into a man returned and the tree was excited.Come and play with methe tree said. 有一天,男孩回来了。树高兴得发抖,她说:“来啊!孩子,爬上我的树杆,抓着我的树枝荡秋千,快快乐乐的。”
One day,the hog mom told them:You have grown up enough to build your own home. 这天,猪妈妈对他们说:“你们已经长大了,去建立自己的家吧。”
One day. a large cry was heard in the woods. The lion was caught in a hunter's net. 有一天,森林里传来一声巨大的吼声。狮子被猎人的网网住了。
One day, Wudy‘s class went camping. 有一天,伍迪的班级去露营。
One day, another fluffy cat Sandy moved to Kitty village. 有一天,另一只毛绒绒的猫杉蒂搬到了猫咪村。

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