I started by posting spoilers over at the IMDB messages boards however the boards are pretty unmoderated and posts would get deleted after a while and you could not embed photos, polls, videos etc. |
中文意思: 我一开始是在IMDB的留言板上发剧透贴,可是这个留言板的速度太慢,当我发完帖子过一阵想再插入一些图片和音像资料时,帖子都被删了。 |
I started a new hobby.I got tired of working in the garden.
我尝试着一种新的爱好.我厌倦了在花园工作. |
I started as soon as your message got through (to me).
接到你的信,我立刻动身了。 |
I started at 8:00 pm after I prepared something, just like a song said With a little Bit Vagrant Gladness, passed Dou Men, rode in Huang Yang Highway, and got at Jiang Men city, and then arrived at Ya Men Ferry, the river were hazy, I could not see the ri
收拾东收拾西收拾到8点半终于出发了,如同歌里所唱的“带着点流浪的喜悦”,过斗门,走黄杨大道,来到江门市,不久就来到崖门渡口,烟雾笼罩着江面,一片朦胧,看不真切,这个冬天广东的天气实在是潮透顶了。 |
I started at the bottom And worked my way to the top.
我从基层开始做,努力地一路爬到高层. |
I started bicycling to help me get in shape, but swallowing all those bugs made me gain weight!
我开始利用骑脚踏车来减肥(维持身材),但吞噬那些一路飞来的小虫子令我增肥! |
I started by posting spoilers over at the IMDB messages boards however the boards are pretty unmoderated and posts would get deleted after a while and you could not embed photos, polls, videos etc.
我一开始是在IMDB的留言板上发剧透贴,可是这个留言板的速度太慢,当我发完帖子过一阵想再插入一些图片和音像资料时,帖子都被删了。 |
I started carry out plan.
我开始执行计划。 |
I started dating American men a few months ago.
几个月前,我开始和美国男人约会。 |
I started experiencing acute graft? versus-host disease, in which immune cells in the donated tissue start rejecting the patient's own organs.
由于移植骨髓中的免疫细胞和我自身的器官发生了排斥反应,我开始经受(急性移植物抗宿主病)痛苦和折磨。 |
I started in this field with a strong interest in plants but with what you might call an academic interest in agriculture.
我初入这个领域时,对植物有强烈的兴趣,但也许可以说那是对农业的学术兴趣。 |
I started moving the china ornaments but dropped a vase in the process.
我动手搬那些瓷制饰物,但在移动时摔了一只花瓶。 |