The Institut du Monde Arabe specialises in exploring cultural links between the Western world and the Middle East.
阿拉伯文化中心精于发掘西方世界和中东的文化联系。 |
The Institute Time Clauses-Freight 1/11/95 except Clauses 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 12, 17, 18, 19, 20 and 21 are deemed to be incorporated in this insurance in so far as they do not conflict with the provisions of these clauses.
1995年11月1日协会运费定期保险条款,除了第2,3,4,5,6,7,12,17,18,19,20和21条之外,就其不与这些条款的规定冲突而言,均视为被并入本保险。 |
The Institute also directs its research emphasis towards typical geography and ecological environment in the west China by supporting the field stations like the Station for the Integrated Observation and Research on the Tibetan Plateau(mainly conducting
此外,针对西部地区特殊的地理和生态环境,我所还重点支持了以冻土、旱区环境和高原大气物理观测研究为主要内容的青藏高原综合观测研究站、以对流风雹和雷电物理观测试验研究为核心的平凉雷电与雹暴试验站、以内陆河流于持续发展实验研究为主的临泽水土与生态综合实验研究站、以干旱半干旱地区过渡带生态检测试验研究为主的皋兰生态试验研究站。 |
The Institute believes that non-profit organizations and individual communities are prime movers in social development, and therefore encourages students to join at least one NGO or community organization to bring together theory and practice, obtain firs
本所认为非营利团体和社区是社会发展的槓杆,鼓励学生至少投入一个社会团体或社区,进行理论的实践,取得第一手的民间经验,并回馈观察心得。 |
The Institute code is the unique and unchanged legal code in the area of People's republi of China. It is original and a copy one.
中华人民共和国组织机构代码是组织机构在中华人民共和国境内唯一的、始终不变的法定代码标识,《中华人民共和国组织机构代码证》是组织机构法定代码标识的凭证,分正本和副本。 |
The Institute concentrates on the study of forming mechanism, physical process, forecasting technology of mesoscale heavy rain especially Jianghuai Meiyu front rain gush or heavy rain in prefrontal warmer area.
研究重点是我国陆地暴雨,特别是江淮梅雨锋暴雨和锋前暖区暴雨,同时开展我国北方暴雨的比较研究。 |
The Institute cordially invites you to join the Members' Cocktail for 2007.
香港证券专业学会诚意邀请你出席2007年度之会员酒会。 |
The Institute delivers our gratitude to Hon Lee Wing Tat for having a meaning exchange of views on a variety of topics which are of utmost concern to the architectural and construction sector.
本学会谨此感谢李永达议员就建筑专业及建造界特别关注之课题与出席者交流宝贵意见。 |
The Institute for Operations Research and the Management Sciences (INFORMS) will designate an Outstanding team from each of the three problems as an INFORMS winner.
将从所有的参赛队(区分赛题)中选出一个特别优秀的参赛队作为INFORMS的优胜队。 |
The Institute for Supply Management said today that its factory index rose to 56.6 in July, the highest this year.
美国供给管理研究部表明,7月份的工厂制造指数创今年的新高,升至56.6点。 |
The Institute for Supply Management's manufacturing index rose to 56.0 in June from 55.0 in May, while the index of non-manufacturing activity rose to 60.7 in June from 59.7 in May, against expectations of a slight fall.
供应管理学会制造业指数由5月份的55.0上升至6月份的56.0,非制造业活动指数则由5月份的59.7上升至60.7,和市场原以为会轻微下跌的预期相反。 |