Cashman confirmed that Jason Giambi will undergo surgery to repair the torn ligament in his left wrist.
….现金男确认技安将要进行其左手腕韧带撕裂伤之重建手术。 |
Cashman inquired earlier in the offseason about whether Jason Giambi or Alex Rodriguez would forego their no-trade clause.
所以交易巨怪是另一件事情是这名球员告诉球队:他希望球队要好好的安顿他的未来,巨怪曾在季后赛之后后进行背部手术。 |
Cashman said it's possible that within two years, they could have talent from that country in the low minors.
现金男说如果可能的话会在两年后,他们会在那个国家设立低阶小联盟。 |
Cashman said that he continues to get a call every now and then about the two-time American League MVP, but he declined to specify whether any of those calls have come this week.
现金男说他每天都收到很多询问亿万男的电话,但他未决定是否透露这些询问的细节。 |
Cashman said that while he has approached this year's free-agent market with caution,he won't be scared off by the luxury-tax issues if he believes the move makes sense for his team.
现金男说这就是他必须在今年自由球员市场要非常小心谨慎的原因,如果他相信这个行动对球队助益的话,他将不会惧怕付出豪华税。 |
Cashman would also have to get players to waive their no-trade clauses for the long-term good of the franchise.
而且现金人可能必须让某些球员放弃为获得长期约的特权所制订的不可交易条款。 |
Cashmere goats are usually larger than Angoras.
克什米尔羊一般比安哥拉羊大。 |
Cashmere is a vital aspect of China's high-grade wool textiles, and is a major foreign exchange-earning export item.It is also an important source of income for herdsman in the primary production areas of cashmere.
羊绒是我国高档毛纺织品的重要原料和出口创汇的重要商品,是主产区牧民的重要收入来源。 |
Cashmere is valued for its softness and warmth without much weight.
因为柔软和暖和而且不增加太多总量。 |
Casing damages are classified into deformation, breakage and sealing damages.
摘要套管损坏主要分为套管变形、破损和密封性破坏3类。 |
Casino - This is your diversion port.
赌场-这是为玩家开设的娱乐港口。 |